From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 What Is This?

This is my aim to produce an EventBox for the UK, as it was decided that an EventBox for the EU was unfeasible (due mainly to postage costs and customs restrictions).

This is being organised in collaboration with Paul Mellors.

If you want to see more details about an EventBox, have a look at the main page here

Suggestions? Add them here

We now use a BaseCamp project management system. Go to
You'll need an account to access our BaseCamp system - Please email Joe (ascenseur) at if you would like one :)

🔗 Organisation Table

This is designed to help organise the production of a UK EventBox.

Event Kit Item Cost (in GBP £) Status Website from (if any) Notes
Shipping Container (Flight Case) £49.99 Pending Maplin Rugged, High Impact - Will it be big enough?
Netbook/Laptop £175+ (possibly donated) Pending Options: 1, 2, Freecycle, Schools, OLPC, etc. Good Specs, but small enough!
Swag £0-£25 (Free from swag-tracker) Pending EMEA-Swag-Tracker Store stuff from the EMEA swag tracker in the UK for easy distribution.
Fedora USB Keys ~£3 a piece Pending TSG Creative Solutions Could sell for £3.50 to cover costs and time etc. Must be 2GB~4GB. Fedora logo!
Projector ~£150 Pending Options: 1 Must be good enough resolution
Wired Router £5-£30 Pending Cheap Wireds off eBay? (~£7)
Amazon Alternative?
Nothing lower than 100Mbit
Live USB Creation Stand £2.50 In Progress - See Notes Made @ school See here
CD Media Free Pending EMEA-Swag-Tracker or HomeMade? No worry about these, but they are vital!
Flyers Free or Paid-Publishing Already Done Fedora Flyer Page Already designed, just need to be printed

🔗 Sundries

This section includes things that we need, but are not as "extravagant" as the above.

  • Tape & Blutak
  • Power Extension cords (5-way or similar)
  • Ethernet Cables (3-5 preferably)
  • Scissors
  • Notepad
  • Log-Book (to know where the EventBox has been)
  • Pens & Pencils
  • Return Details (UPS/FedEx/ParcelForce Barcode & details?)

🔗 Meetings

We have held some meetings about what to do with the Fedora UK EventBox.

Logs are below:

🔗 Notes

The box is designed so that, if needs be, it is perfectly safe to send it via UPS or any other Parcel Shipping Company. (To which end a barcode/shipping details will be included for swift return)

However, due to costs, this may not always be the case - Therefore, details of where to return the box to will be included on a slip in the box.

If you have any queries, email me at