🔗 Muhammad Aslam
I am student at Virtual University of Pakistan, my university encourages the use of Open Source and Free software applications like Fedora, NetBeans, OpenOffice etc. I my self am a great fan of Open Source and Free software applications. I also have established a community of free software users at my university. I am using Fedora for the last two years, and have found it a wonderful operating environment. Now I would like to promote Fedora in my country, especially in universities.
🔗 Contact
- Email: mailto: [aslamATfedoraprojectDOTorg]
- Personal: In the works
- Employer: VUians IS
- Job: Web Engineer
- GTalk: aslam.osum
- Fedora Account: aslam Fedora Account System
- Location: Peshawar, NWFP, Pakistan
🔗 Tools & Technologies that i use
- JavaScript
- Apache
- NetBeans
- Fedora
🔗 Activities
- Write software applictions for fun
- Design logos & website templets
- Read books
- Help others to learn open source technologies
- Work with Sun as OSUM leader at my university .
- Play Cricket