From Fedora Project Wiki

Riya Bisht
Personal Information
Born: 2003 in
Home: Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: Chococandy
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
IRC: chococandy on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora-india, #fedora-join, #fedora, #fedora-devel,
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Hello, My name is Riya Bisht. I'm a junior Computer Science & Engineering student from India. My interests lies in the following fields: Operating systems(Linux), Networking, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing and Virtualization. I know C/C++, Python, Flutter, Java, HTML, CSS, Bash scripting, Git/Github. I started using Linux as my main operating system during the start of the year 2022. Before that I was a full-time Windows user and used to work on Linux on virtual machines but then decided to shift to Linux full-time in order to know more about this operating system. I've tried multiple Linux distributions including Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora, Kalilinux, and currently I use EndeavourOS(arch based distribution). During this process I got acquainted with FOSS and started contributing to KDE which was my first Desktop Environment. I've also tried building GNOME apps.

During my free time, I try to read Linux From Scratch and watch Open source events.

As I am new to the Fedora ecosystem and to get acquainted with it, I would like to start with testing and packaging work because I have always been curious about package management systems in Linux. I'm a Fedora KDE Sig Member and I'm excited about giving back to this open source community.

Currently, I'm trying different things like: Rpm & Flatpak Packaging, and trying to contribute to Fedora Kionite

My past contributions to Linux and FOSS

  • Solving technical bugs for KDE
  • Testing EndeavourOS
  • Fedora Kernel Testing
  • Built QT/QML based apps
  • Worked on virtual machines to test different Desktop Environments like Budgie, KDE, GNOME

Activities within Fedora

Glad to be among the greatest minds ;)