From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Davide Giunchi

I've began to use Linux on 1998 and after one year i've started to work as a SysAdmin especially with Rhel/Centos and Debian/Ubuntu.

I've always been involved on my local LUG and i like to contribute to the floss community with some small Perl programs for qmail and Bacula with GPL license, and some Italian documentation about qmail and SELinux.

Actually i enjoy programming with Python and collaborate with PHP developers as DevOps.

I'm a long time Debian user but suddendly on 2015 i've migrated all my desktop/laptop systems to Fedora :)

🔗 Contact

🔗 Activities within Fedora

  • Just started as a developer on 2017
  • involved in translations for the Italian language

🔗 Badges!

Crypto Badger White Rabbit Paranoid Panda Involvement Crypto Panda Baby Badger Junior Editor Let Me Introduce Myself Embryo Froglet Egg Junior Badger (Badger I) Mugshot Fedora 26 Translation Sprint Tadpole Tadpole with Legs