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πŸ”— U-Boot support for booting ARM systems

πŸ”— Summary

Make it possible to update kernels and reboot into the newly installed kernel when U-Boot is the configured bootloader.

πŸ”— Owner

  • Name: Niels de Vos
  • Email: or

πŸ”— Current status

  • Targeted release: N/A
  • Last updated: 27 May 2011
  • Percentage of completion: 0%

πŸ”— Detailed Description

There is currently no standardized way in Fedora to boot ARM systems that have the U-boot bootloader.

πŸ”— Benefit to Fedora

This is one of several parts that need improvement for making Fedora on ARM more usable.

πŸ”— Scope

  • use mkimage to convert a U-boot image for the kernel and initramfs
  • provide a U-boot script/template
  • update the template (plaintext) when a kernel in installed
  • fill variables in the template and create a plaintext U-boot script
  • integrate mkimage to convert the plaintext script into a binary script that gets loaded by U-boot
  • document guidelines on how to configure U-boot to load the binary script on different ARM systems

πŸ”— How To Test

πŸ”— User Experience

  1. Fedora ARM will be more attractive for users, there will be less need for manual configuration.
  2. When there is

πŸ”— Dependencies

πŸ”— Contingency Plan

πŸ”— Documentation

πŸ”— Release Notes

πŸ”— Comments and Discussion