From Fedora Project Wiki

Hello, my name is A.J.

I would consider myself a beginner when it comes to Fedora and Linux, but I've always had a thirst for knowledge. So here I am! The reason why I like/am interested in Fedora/Linux is the Freedom it allows someone to create something better! I've always gone my own way, been pretty much a Rebel... So yeah, Fedora is right up my alley... The thing is, I don't sitting back in a corner being behind the scenes writing code... It just ain't my thing, but if that is someone else's thing, Great! We All have own Niche in life... Mine is being a People Person. Hence the reason why I want to be a Fedora Ambassador... I'm in the process of switching my personal computers from Windows... Yeah, I know FOUR LETTER WORD, LOL! To of course FEDORA. I'm currently working on a system at work that I just installed Fedora 13 on. Yes, I'm taking "Baby Steps" because I'm Older & Wiser than I use to be... So, like I said, I want to be the Face Of Fedora in my Local Region for now... But, I eventually want to branch and take on a larger role in the Fedora Community, but I know I have a long way to go before I can to that because I have a lot to learn about Fedora. But, I confident with all the people that Live & Breath Fedora on a Daily Basis, I'll get plenty of support and assistance with getting up to speed on Fedora relatively quickly. Another reason why I want to become an expert in Fedora is because I plan on starting my own Business. This business is going to be turning Homes into Smart Homes. So, becoming an expert in Fedora would give me an advantage over my competitors... Also, it would bring Fedora/Linux to a Wider Audience because I would be pushing Fedora onto my clients because that would be the server that runs all of the Automation in there Homes... So as you can see... I have a plan. Learning Fedora and becoming the face of Fedora is just part of it. I had a friend that introduced me to Red Hat when Red Hat was at version 3... So yeah, I've know about and been exposed to Linux for awhile now. But, because of Life, mainly negative people in my Life, I didn't pursue it like intended to way back when... Well, you never to old to go back and revisit something if you really want to learn it. So this is me coming back to the Linux World ready to jump in with both feet this time. And yes, my goal is to go Full Blown Fedora/Linux and convert as many people along the way as I can. I'm tired of the Properity World...! So, I hope ya'll enjoyed my little sympnosis... Look forward to being part of the Fedora Project/Linux World. See ya'll on the Flip Side...! :)