From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Donnell Nichols
With a background In Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Security Donnell is furthering his involvement in the open source community by giving time and knowledge to the Great Fedora Project. Donnell Was born and raised in New York, NY and actively works as a consultant. Donnell Specializes in Information Security, CIP, and Marketing.
🔗 Donnell Nichols
- Email: [[MailTo(]
- IRC: Donnell on #Fedora8
- GPG key: B66C666F
- Fedora Account: nicholsd
🔗 Activities within Fedora
- Helping to develop a working marketing plan for Fedora as a part of the Fedora Marketing Team
- Spreading the word and marketing Fedora to the world by working with a team to let the world know about the open source community especially Fedora