Oliver Falk

Language: English, German (See why we should not use flags )
Email: oliver(AT)linux (DASH) kernel(DOT)at, oliver(AT)fedoraproject(DOT)org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ofalk?ref=profile
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ofalk
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/oliverfalk
Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Oliver_Falk3
GPG' : 0xEF252943
to import my key:
$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 0xEF252943
to refresh existing keys:
$ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --refresh-keys
to sign and encrypt a file with ASCII armored output for a recipient
$ gpg -sea -r user@example.com file
Fedora Account: oliver
IRC: I mostly gave up on IRC, but I'm connected via Matrix to the #libravatar chat on libera.chat
Slack: falko on [puppetcommunity.slack.com Puppet Community Slack]
Activities within Fedora
- Packaging (my packages)
- https://libravatar.org - the Libravatar service is used as the Avatar service in many places within Fedora (eg. this Wiki).
OliverFalk has been CVS (yes, back in these days...) sponsored by MatthiasSaou.
Ambassador work
Presentation used at FH Salzburg 2007: File:OliverFalk chit fed pres german reworked.pdf