From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Paulo S. Klaus
🔗 About me
Around 2001 I started using Conectiva Linux. Then I used Debian. In 2007 I switched to Ubuntu. Since 2013 I'm exploring the Fedora project. Currently live at Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil. I have a specialization in Networks and Distributed Systems and work at City Hall Chapecó as netadmin.
🔗 Contacts
- Fedora Account: pauloklaus
- E-mail:
- IRC: pauloklaus (#concas #fedora-br #fedora-l10n #fedora-latam #OeSC-Livre #software-livre #tchelinux)
- Blog:
- Google+ :
- Twitter :
🔗 Skills
- Linux Server Administration
- Shell Script, C, Python
🔗 Certifications
- ESR/RNP – Management of Computer Networks
🔗 Interests
- Programming
- Network Administration Tools