From Fedora Project Wiki

Debarshi Ray

I have been a Fedora contributor since 2007 when I joined as a Google Summer of Code student, and a user since Fedora Core 1. My involvement in the project has ebbed and flowed and changed over the years. I started off by owning a few packages, and around 2010 I became more focused on GNOME. I started the Toolbx project in 2018, and that's what I currently work on.

As a proven packager, I back port and issue fixes for various components that make up Fedora Workstation, and I am specifically interested in Fedora Silverblue. I am also a sponsor. So if you are looking to become a Fedora packager, feel free to ask for my help.

I joined Red Hat on 1st March 2012. Since then I've been part of the Red Hat Desktop Team.


Areas of Interest

  • Fedora Silverblue
  • Fedora Workstation
  • Toolbx


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