From Fedora Project Wiki

About Me

Hi, my name is Wilson and I am a newbie here. But I am a hardcore technical person to the bone. (I bet when you cremate my bone, you will smell a burnt PCB.:-) What got me into Fedora community were the convincing pep talks of Filipino ambassadors during Fedora 16 release party. I do not know how can I be of help to the community yet but let me tell about my background so that you may also point me into proper direction. (I wish your direction for me would not be ... out.)

First half of my professional life were spent on servicing hardware stuffs like oscilloscopes, frequency counters, signal generators, high-power uninterruptible power supplies, point-of-sale systems and personal computers. (Whoo, I might have smelled too much lead during those years.) In year 2000, I began tinkering with Slackware, my favorite distro back then. During that time, I was able to shift my career into IT and worked as systems administrator for several companies. Unfortunately, I only handled proprietary systems thus, I lost my momentum in learning Linux. Furthermore, my eventual promotion as IT manager steered me away from technical work and consumed my time with endless meetings and paperworks.

Recently, I lost my motivation for work. (I guess I miss the smell of soldering Using my electronics background, I began exploring embedded systems with a project in mind. However, as I dug deep into microcontroller world, I encountered embedded Linux. This renewed my feeling for a long lost love. I felt the need to know more about it. So, I enrolled in Bluepoint to attend Total Linux.

In Bluepoint, I enjoyed to meet humorous but passionate Linux guys from various industries. Although, I have yet to find a person who would love to have PCB (printed circuit board) etching session with me, tripping on a ferric chloride aroma. Nah, just kidding. I am just excited delving into Fedora project. That's all.