From Fedora Project Wiki

Meeting Time


  • TBA Asterisk setup

Maybe earlier.

The rationale for Asterisk is that many ideas will be discussed. For this meeting, Asterisk is not critical. For the second, I can imagine that it will take a long time to enumerate and discuss ideas over IRC.


  • YaakovNemoy
  • MikeMcGrath
  • [add your name here]


Items in the resolvable category should have a clear answer and solution by the end of the meeting. These are point of reference tasks that need to be done. Items in the unresolvable category require creative input, and they are not expected to be completed just by one meeting. The goal of this meeting is to discuss the goal each of these items would achieve, so that everyone is familiar with them, and then creative input can be gathered at a later meeting. Hopefully we can schedule this second meeting two days after this one.

The rationale for this is a basic psychological principle. The principle is simple; in a group setting, creative ideas can be stifled so that quantitatively a fewer number of ideas will be produced. When given the chance to form ideas individually, and evaluated by a group later, more ideas are produced. The chances of a better idea coming out of this process is greater. Thus two meetings are required.


Please update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started. Put the most relevant topics to the head.
  • topics to discuss (resolvable):
  • Mailing List - probably a non-issue
  • l10n - Dates
  • SELinux/Security - Dates
  • Volunteers to update Privacy Policy
  • Anything else?
  • A better Database Schema update system
  • topics to discuss (unresolvable):
  • Server 2 Server communications
  • Possibly integrating a SuSE centric (or Debian) firstboot into our source repository
  • Errata Daemon
  • Please Rate Me Daemon
  • Restructuring how info is stored in DB to make it more obvious to the user
  • Social tagging
  • Any issues that may crop up by having SuSE guys contribute.
  • Anything needed for integration into SuSE
  • The data the SuSE guys need (video card drivers, installed desktop environment(s))
  • Anything else?
  • Sanitizing similar but equivalent data
  • recent bugs:
  • Data modularity/plugins
  • Anything in particular?


  • Not Yet
  • May not be available if we do things with Asterisk


  • The summary will be posted after the meeting.


(These comments are written after the meeting)