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== Installation Notes ==

{{Admon/tip | To learn how to install Fedora, refer to| If you encounter a problem or have a question during installation that is not covered in these release notes, refer to and}} 
===LVM Thin Provisioning support in Anaconda===
The Fedora installer now supports creating thinly provisioned LVM volumes in both the graphical interface and automated (kickstart) installations. This change includes a new automatic partitioning variant as well as new options to create thin volumes in custom partitioning.

'''Anaconda''' is the name of the Fedora installer. This section outlines issues related to '''Anaconda''' and installing Fedora 11.
===Rsyslog no longer part of the default installation===
The '''rsyslog''' logging service is no longer being installed by default. All logging is now being handled by the systemd journal. Users requiring the rsyslog service should install it manually.

=== Installation in text mode ===
To access the journald log, use the following command:
{{Admon/tip | We recommend that you use the graphical installer to install Fedora on your computer wherever possible. If you are installing Fedora on a system that lacks a graphical display, consider performing the installation over a VNC connection (see "Chapter 12. Installing Through VNC" in the Fedora 11 Installation Guide).  If your system has a graphical display, but graphical installation fails, try booting with the  xdriver&#61;vesa option (see "Chapter 9. Boot Options" in the Fedora 11 Installation Guide) or with the 'Install system with basic video driver' option when booting from the Fedora 11 Distro DVD.}}
The text-mode installation option in Fedora 11 is significantly more streamlined than it was in earlier versions. Text-mode installation now omits the more complicated steps that were previously part of the process, and provides users with an uncluttered and straightforward experience.
These steps are now automated in text mode:
* '''Package selection''': Anaconda now automatically selects packages only from the base and core groups. These packages are sufficient to ensure that the system is operational at the end of the installation process, ready to install updates and new packages.
* '''Advanced partitioning''': Anaconda still presents you with the initial screen from previous versions that allows them to specify where Anaconda should install Fedora on your system. You can choose to use a whole drive, to remove existing Linux partitions, or to use the free space on the drive. However, Anaconda now automatically sets the layout of the partitions and does not ask you to add or delete partitions or file systems from this basic layout. If you require customised layouts at installation time, you should perform a graphical installation over a VNC connection or a kickstart installation. More advanced options yet, such as LVM, encrypted filesystems, and resizable filesystems continue to be available only in graphical mode and kickstart.
* '''Bootloader configuration''': Anaconda now performs bootloader configuration automatically.
==== Kickstart installations in text mode ====
Text-mode installations using kickstart are carried out in the same way that they were in previous versions. However, because package selection, advanced partitioning, and bootloader configuration are now automated in text mode, Anaconda cannot prompt users for information that it requires during these steps. Users must ensure that the kickstart file includes the packaging, partitioning, and bootloader configurations. If any of this information is missing, Anaconda will exit with an error message.
=== Upgrade Notes ===
Upgrading from Fedora 9 directly to Fedora 11 using <code>yum</code> is not possible, you must upgrade to Fedora 10 first, then upgrade to Fedora 11.  See for more information.  You can also use <code>preupgrade</code> to upgrade directly to Fedora 11 using Anaconda, minimizing the system downtime by downloading the packages in advance.
Some modified configuration files will be replaced by their original versions during the upgrade.  Your modified versions of these configuration files will be saved as <code>*.rpmsave</code> files in that case.
=== Boot menu ===
The boot menu for the Fedora Distro DVD includes a new option: '''Install system with basic video driver'''. This option boots the system with the generic vesa driver (using the '''xdriver=vesa''' kernel option) and allows you to use Fedora's graphical installation mode even when anaconda cannot load the correct driver for your video card.
=== boot.iso now works on systems with UEFI ===
The fedora installation CDs and DVD provide you with an image file, ''boot.iso'' that you can burn to a CD and use to boot a system and start the installation process.  Typically, you would do this prior to installing Fedora from a local hard drive or from a location on a network.  You can now use the CD produced from the ''boot.iso'' image to start installation on a system that uses Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI).  CDs produced from older versions of ''boot.iso'' only worked with systems that used Basic Input Output System (BIOS).
=== Installation media ===
{{Admon/note | Fedora DVD ISO image is a large file | If you intend to download the Fedora DVD ISO image, keep in mind that not all file downloading tools can accommodate files larger than 2 GiB in size.  The programs <code>wget</code> 1.9.1-16 and above, <code>curl</code>, and <code>ncftpget</code> do not have this limitation, and can successfully download files larger than 2 GiB. BitTorrent is another method for downloading large files. For information about obtaining and using the torrent file, refer to}}
'''Anaconda''' asks if it should verify the installation medium when ''Install or upgrade an existing system'' is selected during boot from an installation-only media.
For Fedora Live media, press any key during the initial boot countdown to display a boot option menu.  Select ''Verify and boot'' to perform the media test. Installation media can be used to verify Fedora Live media. '''Anaconda''' asks during the mediacheck if you want to check any other disc than the one '''Anaconda''' is running from.  To test additional media, select <code>eject</code> to eject the inserted medium, then replace it with the medium you want to test.
Perform this test for any new installation or Live medium.
The Fedora Project strongly recommends that you perform this test before reporting any installation-related bugs. Many of the bugs reported are actually due to improperly-burned CD or DVDs.
In rare cases, the testing procedure may report some usable discs as faulty. This result is often caused by disc writing software that does not include padding when creating discs from ISO files.
{{Admon/note | BitTorrent Automatically Verifies File Integrity.|If you use BitTorrent, any files you download are automatically validated. If your file completes downloading you do not need to check it. Once you burn your CD or DVD, however, you should still use <code>mediacheck</code> to test the integrity of the media.}}
Another reason for a failure during installation is faulty memory. To perform memory testing before you install Fedora, press any key to enter the boot menu, then select ''Memory Test''. This option runs the '''Memtest86''' standalone memory testing software in place of '''Anaconda'''. '''Memtest86''' memory testing continues until you press the '''[Esc]''' key.
Fedora 11 supports graphical FTP and HTTP installations. However, the installer image must either fit in RAM or appear on local storage, such as the installation DVD or Live Media. Therefore, only systems with more than 192MiB of RAM or that boot from the installation DVD or Live Media can use the graphical installer. Systems with 192MiB RAM or less fall back to using the text-based installer automatically. If you prefer to use the text-based installer, type <code>linux text</code> at the <code>boot:</code> prompt.
=== Changes in Anaconda ===
* [ NetConfig in NM] -- Anaconda is now using NetworkManager for configuring network interfaces during installation.  The previous backend tool was <code>libdhcp</code>, which was a replacement for <code>libpump</code>. Anaconda uses NetworkManager by communicating with it via D-Bus during installation. The move to NetworkManager in Anaconda is still ongoing, but the bulk of existing functionality has been retained. NetworkManager is enabled by default on newly installed systems, so moving to NetworkManager in Anaconda allows the installer to use the same network management tool that the final system uses. The move to NetworkManager brings some changes, most notably the removal of the network interface configuration screen in Anaconda. You are no longer asked to verify the network settings during installation. The screen now simply prompts for the hostname. The settings used during installation are written to the system.
* When using the <code>netinst.iso</code> to boot the installer, Anaconda defaults to using the Fedora mirrorlist URL as the installation source. The method selection screen no longer appears by default. If you do not wish to use the mirrorlist URL, either add <code>repo=&lt;your installation source&gt;</code> or <code>askmethod</code> to the installer boot parameters. The <code>askmethod</code> option causes the selection screen to appear as it did in previous releases. To add boot parameters, press the '''[Tab]''' key in the initial boot screen and append any new parameters to the existing list. For more information, see the <code>repo=</code> and <code>stage2=</code> descriptions at
=== Installation Related Issues ===
* When PXE booting and using a .iso file mounted via NFS for the installation media you are now required to add <code>method=nfsiso:server:/path</code> to the command line.
==== IDE device names ====
Use of <code>/dev/hdX</code> on i386 and x86_64 for IDE drives changed to <code>/dev/sdX</code> in Fedora 7.  If you are upgrading from an earlier version than Fedora 7, you need to research about the importance of labeling devices for upgrades and any partition limitations.
==== IDE RAID ====
Not all IDE RAID controllers are supported. If your RAID controller is not yet supported by <code>dmraid</code>, you may combine drives into RAID arrays by configuring Linux software RAID. For supported controllers, configure the RAID functions in the computer BIOS.
==== Multiple NICs and PXE installation ====
Some servers with multiple network interfaces may not assign eth0 to the first network interface as BIOS knows it, which can cause the installer to try using a different network interface than was used by PXE.  To change this behavior, use the following in <code>pxelinux.cfg/*</code> config files:
APPEND ksdevice=bootif
The configuration options above causes the installer to use the same network interface as BIOS and PXE use. You can also use the following option:

This option causes the installer to use the first network device it finds that is linked to a network switch.
For more information about the journal, see
=== Upgrade related issues ===
Refer to for detailed recommended procedures for upgrading Fedora.
==== SCSI driver partition limits ====
Whereas older IDE drivers supported up to 63 partitions per device, SCSI devices are limited to 15 partitions per device. '''Anaconda''' uses the <code>libata</code> driver in the same fashion as the rest of Fedora, so it is unable to detect more than 15 partitions on an IDE disk during the installation or upgrade process.
If you are upgrading a system with more than 15 partitions, you may need to migrate the disk to Logical Volume Management (LVM). This restriction may cause conflicts with other installed systems if they do not support LVM. Most modern Linux distributions support LVM and drivers are available for other operating systems as well.
==== Disk partitions must be labeled ====
A change in the way that the linux kernel handles storage devices means that device names like <code>/dev/hdX</code> or <code>/dev/sdX</code> may differ from the values used in earlier releases. '''Anaconda''' solves this problem by relying on partition labels or UUIDs for finding devices. If these are not present, then '''Anaconda''' presents a warning indicating that partitions need to be labelled and that the upgrade can not proceed. Systems that use Logical Volume Management (LVM) and the device mapper usually do not require relabeling.
===== To check disk partition labels =====
To view partition labels, boot the existing Fedora installation, and enter the following at a terminal prompt:
Confirm that each volume line in the list has a <code>LABEL=</code> value, as shown below:
<pre>/dev/hdd1: LABEL="/boot" UUID="ec6a9d6c-6f05-487e-a8bd-a2594b854406" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
===== To set disk partition labels =====
For ext2 and ext3 partitions without a label, use the following command:
<pre>su -c 'e2label /dev/example f7-slash'
For a VFAT file system use <code>dosfslabel</code> from the <code>dosfstools</code> package, and for NTFS file system use <code>ntfslabel</code> from the <code>ntfsprogs</code> package.  Before rebooting the machine, also update the file system mount entries, and the GRUB kernel root entry.
===== Update the file system mount entries =====
If any file system labels were added or modified, then the device entries in <code>/etc/fstab</code> must be adjusted to match:
<pre>su -c 'cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig'
su -c 'gedit /etc/fstab'
An example of a mount by label entry is:
<pre> LABEL=f7-slash  /  ext3  defaults  1 1
===== Update the grub.conf kernel root entry =====
If the label for the / (root) file system was modified, the kernel boot parameter in the grub configuration file must also be modified:
<pre>su -c 'gedit /boot/grub/grub.conf'
A matching example kernel grub line is:
<pre> kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.20-1.2948.fc6 ro root=LABEL=f7-slash rhgb quiet
===== Test changes made to labels =====
If partition labels were adjusted, or the <code>/etc/fstab</code> file modified, then boot the existing Fedora installation to confirm that all partitions still mount normally and login is successful. When complete, reboot with the installation media to start the installer and begin the upgrade.
==== Upgrades versus fresh installations ====
In general, fresh installations are recommended over upgrades. This is particularly true for systems that include software from third-party repositories. Third-party packages remaining from a previous installation may not work as expected on an upgraded Fedora system. If you decide to perform an upgrade anyway, the following information may be helpful:
Before you upgrade, back up the system completely. In particular, preserve <code>/etc</code>, <code>/home</code>, and possibly <code>/opt</code> and <code>/usr/local</code> if customized packages are installed there. You may want to use a multi-boot approach with a "clone" of the old installation on alternate partition(s) as a fallback. In that case, create alternate boot media, such as a GRUB boot floppy.
{{Admon/tip | Configuration backups | Backups of configurations in <code>/etc</code> are also useful in reconstructing system settings after a fresh installation.}}
After you complete the upgrade, run the following command:
<pre>rpm -qa --last > RPMS_by_Install_Time.txt
Inspect the end of the output for packages that pre-date the upgrade. Remove or upgrade those packages from third-party repositories, or otherwise deal with them as necessary. Some previously installed packages may no longer be available in any configured repository. To list all these packages, use the following command:
<pre>su -c 'yum list extras'

=== Kickstart HTTP Issue ===
===Sendmail no longer part of the default installation===
When using a Kickstart configuration file via HTTP, kickstart file retrieval may fail with an error that indicates the file could not be retrieved. Click the ''OK'' button several times without making modifications to override this error successfully. As a workaround, use one of the other supported methods to retrieve Kickstart configurations.
The '''sendmail''' mail transport agent is no longer a part of the default installation. Any packages previously using this program, such as <code>cron</code>, will now deliver their output into the system log by default. Sendmail remains available for manual installation for users who require it.

==Unversioned docdirs==
Per package documentation is now installed into unversioned /usr/share/doc/packagename directories. Previously the directory contained the package's version in addition to its name.

<noinclude>[[Category:Release Notes]]<noinclude>
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[[Category:Draft documentation]]
[[Category:Documentation beats]]

Latest revision as of 18:47, 20 October 2013

Beat Closed on Wiki
Work on beats has now moved to git at If you have changes or additions, please contact the docs team via #fedora-docs,, or with the release-notes BZ component.

LVM Thin Provisioning support in Anaconda

The Fedora installer now supports creating thinly provisioned LVM volumes in both the graphical interface and automated (kickstart) installations. This change includes a new automatic partitioning variant as well as new options to create thin volumes in custom partitioning.

Rsyslog no longer part of the default installation

The rsyslog logging service is no longer being installed by default. All logging is now being handled by the systemd journal. Users requiring the rsyslog service should install it manually.

To access the journald log, use the following command:


For more information about the journal, see

Sendmail no longer part of the default installation

The sendmail mail transport agent is no longer a part of the default installation. Any packages previously using this program, such as cron, will now deliver their output into the system log by default. Sendmail remains available for manual installation for users who require it.

Unversioned docdirs

Per package documentation is now installed into unversioned /usr/share/doc/packagename directories. Previously the directory contained the package's version in addition to its name.