From Fedora Project Wiki
(adjust anaconda entry)
m (→‎See also: add link to the draft page of critical path packegs to triage)
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* [[BugZappers/Metrics]] for automated statistics
* [[BugZappers/Metrics]] for automated statistics
* [[Critical Path Packages Proposal]], which may be used in the future to refine this list
* [[Critical Path Packages Proposal]], which may be used in the future to refine this list
* [[User:Arxs/CPCL]] Draft of Critial Path Packages Triage list


Revision as of 13:02, 17 July 2009

This page lists active triagers, sorted by component. Check the below list to see which components need help, and use the links to get lists of bugs that need triage.

If you are unfamiliar with a component and someone is very active there, it is probably a good idea to pick a different component or talk to that person and see if you can work together. As you start work on a component, communicating with other triagers working on the same component or the developer can help make your working relationship more productive. The Component information column in the table will help you identify the maintainer(s) of any component. Where it links to the Fedora Package Database entry for a package, the person listed as Owner for the Fedora devel collection is likely the primary maintainer for that component, and those listed as Users will be co-maintainers. You should be able to contact any of these by adding to the alias given on the page.

🔗 Set Components

Component Active triagers (IRC nicks) Component information Special Need help?
ModemManager (Feed) Niels Haase (arxs) ModemManager - No
NetworkManager (Feed) Niels Haase (arxs) NetworkManager - No
PackageKit (Feed) Steven Parrish (SMParrish) PackageKit - No
anaconda (Feed) Andy Lindeberg (alindebe) anaconda See Anaconda bug flow Yes
compiz (Feed) Matěj Cepl (mcepl) compiz - Yes
evolution (Feed) Mike Chambers (MikeC) evolution - Yes
firefox & co. (Feed) Matěj Cepl (mcepl) firefox - No
firstboot (Feed) (none) firstboot - Yes
gdm (Feed) none gdm - Yes
glibc (Feed) (none) glibc - Yes
gtk2 (Feed) (none) gtk2 - Yes
hal (Feed) Scott Glaser (Sonar_Guy) hal - Yes
initscripts (Feed) Iarly Selbir (iarlyy) initscripts - ?
java-1.5.0-gcj (Feed) John (John5342) java-1.5.0-gcj - ?
java-1.6.0-openjdk (Feed) John (John5342) java-1.6.0-openjdk - ?
java-1.7.0-icedtea (Feed) (none) java-1.7.0-icedtea - Yes
kde* (Feed) Steven Parrish (SMParrish) KDE SIG - ?
kernel (Feed) (none) kernel - ?
mkinitrd (Feed) (none) mkinitrd - Yes
nautilus (Feed) Joshua Armstrong (imbrius) nautilus - ?* (Feed) Matěj Cepl (mcepl) - No
plymouth (Feed) Thomas Janssen (thomasj) plymouth - Yes
pulseaudio (Feed) Lennart Poettering pulseaudio Only for PA experts No
selinux-policy (Feed) Matěj Cepl (mcepl) selinux-policy - Yes
selinux-policy-targeted (Feed) Matěj Cepl (mcepl) selinux-policy-targeted - Yes
system-config-network (Feed) (none) system-config-network - ?
upstart (Feed) (none) upstart - Yes
Virtualization Mark McLoughlin (markmc) more queries and list of components - ?
xorg-x11-drv-ati (Feed) Matěj Cepl (mcepl) xorg-x11-drv-ati - Yes!
xorg-x11-drv-i810, xorg-x11-drv-intel (Feed, Feed) Matěj Cepl (mcepl) xorg-x11-drv-intel - Yes!
xorg-x11-server (Feed) Matěj Cepl (mcepl) xorg-x11-server - Yes
yum (Feed) Jon Stanley (jds2001) yum Leave bugs as NEW, put "Triaged" in Keywords field ?

🔗 Any Component

Triagers willing to work on any component:

🔗 Non-key Components

People working on non-key components:

Component Active triagers (IRC nicks) Component information Need help?
Kpackagekit Iarly Selbir (iarlyy) ? ?
aide, amtu, audit, libprelude, libpreludedb, libsafe, openssh, openswan, pads, prelude-correlator, prelude-lml, prelude-manager, prelude-notify, prewikka, shadow-utils, usermode, xguest Steve Grubb (sgrubb) [1] No

🔗 See also