From Fedora Project Wiki

(Initial edit)
(Finish Marketing meeting agenda)
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** #info Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas
** #info Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas
* '''#topic Announcements'''
* '''#topic Announcements'''
** #info === Ticket #216 ===
** #info === "Outreachy 2016 remote internships and Fedora" ===
*** #link
*** #link
*** #info * "Update digital image library for banners, icons, and other generic images"
*** #info Fedora was accepted as a participating organization in the GNOME Outreachy program. This is an excellent opportunity for women to get a paid internship working in open source and on Fedora.
*** #info Upstream design ticket was taken on by a design team member; will check in on progress of this ticket in future meetings
** #info === "PCWorld interviews FPL Matthew Miller for Fedora 2016 plans" ===
*** #link
*** #info PCWorld interviewed mattdm about the future plans for Fedora in 2016. This article has gotten a fair amount of exposure across the web and there is a lot of feedback coming from the post. There's a lot of questions concerning the discussion over packaging proprietary drivers. This could possibly use some attention by Marketing in a formal Magazine article?
** #info === Google Summer of Code ===
*** #info Fedora was accepted as a mentoring organization in GSoC again this year. A new article will be posted on the Community Blog soon, and an article on the Magazine would be a good companion to this article.
*** #action jflory7 Write the pointer article about GSoC on the Magazine once the CommBlog article is drafted
* '''#topic Action items from last meetings'''
* '''#topic Action items from last meetings'''
** #link
** #link
** #info === decause find the FAS inactive members script and if it exists ===
** #info === mailga raise marketing meeting attendance with FAmSCo ===
*** Is scheduled for discussion later in meeting (Ticket #214)
*** mailga: Was this completed? Any FAmSCo members here in the meeting now?
** #info === jflory7 File a ticket on the Trac to open discussion about Marketing Join process ===
** #info [INCOMPLETE] === linuxmodder raise marketing meeting attendance with FAMNA ===
*** #link
*** #action jflory7 / linuxmodder Bring up Marketing meeting times with FAmNA on Thursday evening meeting
*** #info This ticket will be discussed later in the meeting
** #info === jzb move discussion on FAS membership to list ===
** #info === decause create onboarding badge ticket for mktg based on join ticket in marketing trac ===
*** #action jzb Start discussion about FAS membership on the Marketing list
*** #info In progress with CommOps; a new contributor is helping with getting these tickets filed and will be on the CommOps radar soon
** #info [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Create a ticket for Fedora Server talking points and CC linuxmodder on it ===
** #info === jflory7 Follow up with Design Team Ticket #422 offering clarification and requesting for other existing images be updated for reusable, release-neutral images ===
*** #link
*** #link
** #info [INCOMPLETE] === jflory7 / linuxmodder Take on responsibility for the Workstation ticket and begin collecting info for talking points ===
*** #info Design Team member has taken on responsibility for this ticket; will check in again soon
*** jflory7 is short for cycles this week until after BrickHack this weekend – would be helpful if someone else could help linuxmodder with this
** #info === jflory7 Create tickets for talking points for all of the different spins and editions, CC those who we know for sure to take them on ===
** #info [COMPLETE] === decause/jflory7 add to commops meeting agenda in wikigardening section ===
*** #info Partially complete, tickets exist for Workstation and Cloud, more need to be filed
*** #link
*** #link
** #info [INCOMPLETE] === jflory7 Get F24 talking points page up to date and update Marketing page ===
*** #link
** #info [COMPLETE] === jflory7 File a ticket to discuss adding a [Marketing] prefix to the mailing list ===
*** #help More help is needed with addressing talking points for the different editions and spins of Fedora
*** #link
** #info === fale will create a list of EMEA Python events of 2016 ===
** #info [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Create a ticket about publicizing Fedora affiliates / similar kind of topic ===
*** #link
*** #link
* '''#topic Tickets'''
* '''#topic Tickets'''
** #info === Ticket #198 ===
** #link
*** #link
** #info === Ticket #160 ===
*** #info * "Unable to add services in the jetpack publisize plugin"
*** #link
*** Magazine admins needed to try / test this; stickster, ryanlerch, croberts, puiterwijk, etc.
*** #info * "Fedora magazine "head" for planet"
** #info === Ticket #209 ===
*** Simple fix, just need to ping nirik or puiterwijk about this and close this loop
*** #link
*** #action jflory7 Follow up with nirik or puiterwijk about doing this and close the ticket once completed
*** #info * "legitimate comments being caught up in the spam queue"
*** jflory7 has not noticed this much as of recently and that manual review of the spam comment queue should still be attempted; motion to close ticket?
** #info === Ticket #214 ===
** #info === Ticket #214 ===
*** #link
*** #link
*** #info * "Clean up Marketing FAS group membership"
*** #info * "Clean up Marketing FAS group membership"
*** decause / mailga: Any updates?
*** Recommendation: Since Marketing is small, just do this manually and close the ticket? Who wants to take on that task?
** #info === Ticket #215 ===
** #info === Ticket #215 ===
*** #link
*** #link
*** #info * "Looking at our Join process"
*** #info * "Looking at our Join process"
*** jzb: Any progress on the draft of what defines an active Marketing member?
** #info === Ticket #217 ===
** #info === Ticket #217 ===
*** #link
*** #link
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*** #link
*** #link
*** #info * "Talking points: Fedora Workstation"
*** #info * "Talking points: Fedora Workstation"
* '''#topic Marketing Tasks for F24'''
** #info === Ticket #220 ===
** #link ​
*** #link
** #info === Upcoming deadlines: Fedora change checkpoint and creating talking points ===
*** #info * "Talking points: Fedora Server"
*** #help Need help from others in specific areas or with interests in other editions and spins to help identify and create talking points for us to share with the Project
*** Ticket needs an owner
** #info === Ticket #221 ===
*** #link
*** #info * "Add a [Marketing] prefix to mail on our list"
*** This is a simple vote: +1 / -1?
** #info === Ticket #222 ===
*** #link
*** #info * "Publicizing "Fedora affiliates" (or groups using Fedora)"
*** Part of the discussion we began last week looking at publicizing entities already using Fedora
* '''#topic Long-Term Plans: Magazine'''
* '''#topic Long-Term Plans: Magazine'''
** Discussion: Are there any long-term objectives we want to set in place for the Magazine? Are there ways we can grow readership further? Do we believe we are taking advantage of our resources with the Magazine? What can be improved?  
** Discussion: Are there any long-term objectives we want to set in place for the Magazine? Are there ways we can grow readership further? Do we believe we are taking advantage of our resources with the Magazine? What can be improved?  
* '''#topic Open Floor'''
* '''#topic Open Floor'''
** #action jflory7 File a ticket to discuss adding a [Marketing] prefix to the mailing list
** #action jflory7 Look into gaining privileges on Marketing Trac to update components, milestones, and other metadata

Revision as of 05:04, 2 March 2016

🔗 Fedora Marketing Team Meeting Minutes 2016-03-02

🔗 Meeting Time

🔗 Participants

This week's Marketing Meeting will be led by jflory7.

  • The participants will be posted after the meeting.

🔗 Meeting Protocol

  • To help improve the flow of the meeting, using the IRC Meeting Protocol is encouraged, as modeled by the EMEA Ambassadors.
  • Please follow the Meeting Protocol where possible.

🔗 Agenda

Attendees, update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.
  • #startmeeting Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-03-02)
  • #meetingname marketing
  • #chair < based on attendance >
  • #topic Roll Call
    • #info Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas
  • #topic Announcements
    • #info === "Outreachy 2016 remote internships and Fedora" ===
    • #info === "PCWorld interviews FPL Matthew Miller for Fedora 2016 plans" ===
    • #info === Google Summer of Code ===
      • #info Fedora was accepted as a mentoring organization in GSoC again this year. A new article will be posted on the Community Blog soon, and an article on the Magazine would be a good companion to this article.
      • #action jflory7 Write the pointer article about GSoC on the Magazine once the CommBlog article is drafted
  • #topic Action items from last meetings
  • #topic Tickets
  • #topic Long-Term Plans: Magazine
    • Discussion: Are there any long-term objectives we want to set in place for the Magazine? Are there ways we can grow readership further? Do we believe we are taking advantage of our resources with the Magazine? What can be improved?
  • #topic Open Floor

🔗 Meeting summary and action items

🔗 Full meeting log

🔗 Next Meeting