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🔗 Fedora Marketing Team Meeting Minutes 2016-03-09
🔗 Meeting Time
- 2016-03-09 22:00 UTC
- #fedora-meeting-1 on freenode
🔗 Participants
This week's Marketing Meeting will be led by jflory7.
- The participants will be posted after the meeting.
🔗 Meeting Protocol
- To help improve the flow of the meeting, using the IRC Meeting Protocol is encouraged, as modeled by the EMEA Ambassadors.
- Please follow the Meeting Protocol where possible.
🔗 Agenda
- #startmeeting Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-03-09)
- #meetingname marketing
- #chair < based on attendance >
- #topic Roll Call
- #info Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas
- #topic Announcements
- #info === "Find Fedora at BrickHack 2016" ===
- #link
- #info Fedora recently participated as an event sponsor at a hackathon event at the Rochester Institute of Technology. You can read a basic overview of the event there. An event report will be published soon (which will contain information important for Marketing to consider).
- #info === "FOSDEM 2016: Event Report" ===
- #link
- #info A brief event report by decause about FOSDEM 2016 and Fedora's participation in the Distro DevRoom.
- #info === "Modularity Use Case: Application Independence"
- #link
- #info A look at the Modularization objective set by the Fedora Council. langdon writes about why modularization is important and how it helps Fedora.
- #link
- #info === "Find Fedora at BrickHack 2016" ===
- #topic Action items from last meetings
- #link
- #info [INCOMPLETE] === jflory7 Write the pointer article about GSoC on the Magazine once the CommBlog article is drafted ===
- #help Write an article about the Google Summer of Code announcement and Fedora's participation on the Community Blog
- #info [INCOMPLETE] === jflory7 / linuxmodder Bring up Marketing meeting times with FAmNA on Thursday evening meeting ===
- #info jflory7 was absent at the last FAmNA meeting and didn't have a chance to bring it up
- #action jflory7 Bring up Marketing meeting date and time with FAmNA on Thursday
- #info [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Follow up with nirik or puiterwijk about updating the Magazine "head" and close the ticket once completed ===
- #info [COMPLETE] === nb will coordinate with decause about removing inactive people from Marketing FAS group ===
- #info === jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new guidelines proposed on the mailing list ===
- #info [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Update Ticket #218 with new information and owners ===
- #info === decause ping serverWG ML for status update ===
- #link
- Looks like it made it to the CommOps list but not the Server list? Is it stuck in a queue?
- #info === decause work with fale to get server WG talking points from ML ===
- #info [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Contact Fedora Infra about adding the prefix or file a ticket in Infra Trac if necessary ===
- #info === fale will draft the procedure for the official recognition of entities using Fedora ===
- #info === decause ping the EDU list with the wiki page fale is working on after it has been created ===
- #topic Tickets
- #link
- #info === Ticket #219 ===
- #link
- #info * "Create Python talking points for Ambassadors"
- #info === Ticket #222 ===
- #link
- #info * "Publicizing "Fedora affiliates" (or groups using Fedora)"
- fale: Any progress on creating an initial draft of a process?
- #info === Ticket #215 ===
- #link
- #info * "Looking at our Join process"
- jzb: Any progress on updating the wiki page?
- #info === Ticket #217 ===
- #link
- #info * "Talking points: Fedora Cloud"
- jzb: Ticket was due on March 8th. Were talking points completed or are there more steps to complete? If so, what steps?
- #info === Ticket #220 ===
- #link
- #info * "Talking points: Fedora Server"
- fale, decause, simo: Ticket was due on March 8th. Were talking points completed or are there more steps to complete? If so, what steps?
- #info === Ticket #218 ===
- #link
- #info * "Talking points: Fedora Workstation"
- sesivany, ardian: Ticket was due on March 8th. Were talking points completed or are there more steps to complete? If so, what steps?
- #topic Open Floor
🔗 Meeting summary and action items
🔗 Full meeting log
🔗 Next Meeting
- 2016-03-16 22:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting-1