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FOSDEM 2010 Project Management Details


This page is related to FOSDEM 2010 Project Preparation.

 : Feel free to contact the Project Team - see above - if you have any remarks, comments, ideas, etc..which can help us to improve the FOSDEM'10 Edition. Thanks a lot.

 : For more details about the event in itself, please go to Fedora Events: FOSDEM 2010 in Brussels, Belgium related wiki page.

 : Call for talks in Fedora Devroom. FOSDEM 2010 Technical Talk Propositions wiki page Creation for Talk submissions.

Project Evolution

Currenty Status of the Project


For more details, please refer to the past status subsection .


  • Project Status Publication - 5th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- Mail from Joris in order to inform me about interesting JBoss Subjects.

  • Project Status Publication - 7th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- More Details about Jboss Subject have been sent by Joris.

  • Project Status Publication - 12th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- Meeting invitation have been sent to the Fedora Belgian Community on IRC - 21th of October 2009 17:00 UTC -

  • Project Status Publication - 13th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- Request have been send to FOSDEM Team in order to have Fedora Booth - 2 tables -. "Call For Stands. Thank you for your request. Every request will receive an email before Sunday 2009-11-29 to approve or reject the demand for a and/or a stand. Details on further proceedings will then be communicated swiftly.

- Request have been send to FOSDEM Team in order to have Jboss Booth - 1 table -. "Call For Stands. Thank you for your request. Every request will receive an email before Sunday 2009-11-29 to approve or reject the demand for a and/or a stand. Details on further proceedings will then be communicated swiftly.

- Details about sponsoring have been requested and transmitted to our sponsors - Max and Paul -.

- Fedora/FOSDEM'10 wiki page updates.

  • Project Status Publication - 14th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- Request for speakers to Spacewalk project member

- Request for Spice speakers to Spice project member

- Mails have been exchanged between MaxSpevack, PaulWFrields and I - FredericHornain about the project status. A Project details presentation have been requested to be shown to the Ambassadors in EMEA for one of the next EMEA Ambassadors IRC Meeting.

- Mail have been sent to the FOSDEM Team for Fedora/Jboss Booth confirmation.

- Mail have been sent to the FOSDEM Team in charge of sponsoring in order to inform them we are taking time to take a decision about sponsoring FOSDEM.

  • Project Status Publication - 19th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- Currently working on presentation in order to respond to Project Requirement issued by EMEA Fedora Ambassadors.

- FOSDEM team mail reception about 3 developer room booked for Distributions.

  • Project Status Publication - 20th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- We have received confimation from the FOSDEM'10 Team they have received Fedora and Jboss stand request and they have been added to the pool of candidates. The acceptance notification will be sent around on 2009-11-29.

- Still working on presentation in order to respond to Project Requirement - see above -

- Belux Meeting Preparation for tomorrow.

- Request have been done to the JBoss community to register JBoss@FOSDEM'10

- Request have been done for JBoss Devroom reservation.

  • Project Status Publication - 21th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- Belux Meeting where I explained the status of the Project.

- Hostel/Accomodation Prices and availability will be retrieved by Vincent and Bertie.

- Still working on presentation in order to respond to Project Requirement - see above -

- I have contacted JBoss staff in order to have support from them for this event.

  • Project Status Publication - 22th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- Presentation for Fedora Coordinator have been done in draft format : Fedora&JBoss@FOSDEM'10_Project_Presentation

  • Project Status Publication - 26th of October'09 -

- We are still waiting after project charter approvement from our sponsor.

- No comments, replies have not been received from Fedora members.

Current Problem Details

  • We need to have feed back from Max.
  • We need the approvement of Project Charter by our Sponsors.
  • We need feed back from previous editions visitors, friends, etc...

Things we need

  • Innovative technical subjects Proposals. If you have one, please go to FOSDEM 2010 Technical Talk Propositions wiki page Creation for Talk submissions.
  • Ideas to improve this new FOSDEM edition.
  • An idea of the budget.

Project Members

Name Group Description Languages
MaxSpevack Fedora/Red Hat Project Sponsor FR, EN, NL
FredericHornain Fedora Project Members FR, EN, NL
Bert Desmet Fedora Project Members EN, NL
Vincent Van der Kussen Fedora Project Members EN, NL


Not Applicable.

Organizational Process Assets

Environmental Factors

  • Project preparation will be realized during the week at non office hours.
  • Physical Meetings will be planned every month with the project team members.

Project Statement of Work ( Mon Sep 7 2009 )

  • FOSDEM Devroom and Booths reservations.
  • Speakers Invitations
  • Speakers and Fedora community accommodations.
  • Fedora goodies & DVD ordering
  • Local, French and Nederlands Press Invitations.
  • Local IT Professional Invitations.

 : JBoss @ FOSDEM'10 project organization are in the pipe as well with Joris.

 : Records you will be included in the Project Charter - Project Description Section -

Project Selection Methods ( Mon Sep 7 2009 )

Benefit mesurement models have been choosen and have been oriented on cost,risks and community goodwill factors.

The results are :

  • A mean for EMEA Fedora and Red Hat Community to meet each others physically.
  • A opportunity to show and explain and share new projects to others communities.
  • An occasion to explain the Fedora/Red Hat characteristics to visitors.
  • A way to see, discuss and share opinions and readjust strategies.
  • Well, a chance to build better open source solutions

 : Records you will be included in the Project Charter - Business Case Section -

Project Requirements - issued by EMEA Fedora coordinators - ( Mon Oct 15 2009 )

In general, as the manager of community funding that comes from Red
Hat, Max invests a good deal of responsibility in the Ambassador
coordinators from each region.  Those teams decide what events are
important to them for building Fedora awareness and community in
their respective regions.

The Ambassador coordinators from each region have a budget for each
fiscal quarter, and decide how to use that money wisely.  We work
with the coordinators to plan spending when something unforeseen
comes up.

Anyone who is planning an event starts the process by putting the
event on the calendar, so that event is included in funding
considerations for the fiscal quarter in which it happens.

Following that, the Ambassador(s) responsible for the event work on
funding issues (including sponsorship) with the coordinators.  Max
and I are available to resolve any issues or questions that come up
in that process, but it helps the Fedora Project operate in a smooth
and scalable way if these requests don't all come to the two of us
individually.  That is why we invest trust and responsibility in the
Ambassador coordinators and individuals.

So the purpose for your being at an upcoming EMEA Ambassadors meeting
is to explain the amount of sponsorship needed and show exactly what
Fedora will get from that sponsorship money.  That will help the
coordinators weigh this request against the budget available for that
fiscal quarter, figure out what we desire to do and what we can afford
to do, and hopefully find the best fit between those two points.


Project Requirements Presentation - issued by EMEA Fedora coordinators -

Here is the link to download the presentation : Fedora&JBoss@FOSDEM'10_Project_Presentation

 : Note : This document is in draft format.

Project Charter

 : Note: this information does not constitute formal commitment. This Project Charter is still in draft state and is waiting after reviews, comment and them approval from our sponsors.

For more details, please go to FOSDEM 2010 Project Charter wiki page

Preliminary Scope Statement

For more details, please go to FOSDEM 2010 Preliminary Scope Statement wiki page

Project Management Plan

 : Note: this information does not constitute formal commitment yet. This Project Management Plan is still in draft state and is waiting after reviews, comment and them approval from our sponsors.

For more details, please go to FOSDEM 2010 Project Management Plan wiki page