From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 19:43, 24 April 2010 by Kevin (talk | contribs) (Throw hat.)

Put your nominations here (keep them in alphabetical order by surname please).

There are 5 seats open in this election. The seats open are currently held by: Kevin Fenzi (nirik) (Chair), Dennis Gilmore (dgilmore), Bill Nottingham (notting), Seth Vidal (skvidal) and Kevin Kofler (kkofler).

Person Name (IRC nickname)

  • Mission Statement:
  • Past work summary:
  • Future plans:

Kevin Fenzi (nirik)

  • Mission Statement: To help improve and guide Fedora in continuing to be the best Linux Distro out there.
  • Past work summary: Xfce Maintainer for fedora along with many other packages. I have been on FESCo since it was established. Very active on irc trying to improve support in places like #fedora. Many other things as well.
  • Future Plans: Get Fedora Engineering services busy making Fedora better. Get updates process working better. Help new contributors get involved easier.


Watch nominations for older elections: