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Fedora Weekly News Issue 227

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 227[1] for the week ending May 26, 2010. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

This week's issue kicks off with news from the Fedora Planet, including some discussion on Google-sponsored new VP8/WebM open video standards, a last chance to vote in the various Fedora Board elections, and an article on "12 tips to getting things done in open source." In this week's Fedora In the News, we cover previews and reviews about the brand-new Fedora 13 release from around the globe. In Ambassador news, lots of coverage from the recent Fedora Ambassador Day North America, including links to blog postings about last week's event held at Iowa State University. Translation team news is next, including recent changes in the design of Fedora documentation structure, an overview of Fedora 13 tasks from this past week and a new member of the Fedora Localization Project for Arabic. Security Advisories covers the security-related packages released for Fedora 11, 12 and 13 over the past week. This issue wraps up with updates from the KDE SIG, including arrival of KDE SC 4.5 beta to KDE-RedHat unstable repositories for Fedora 13, and recent work on a new Phenon backend for VLC. Enjoy Fedora 227 and Fedora 13!

The audio version of FWN - FAWN - is back! You can listen to existing issues[2] on the Internet Archive. If anyone is interested in helping spread the load of FAWN production, please contact us!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page[3]. We welcome reader feedback:

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

Planet Fedora

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin


Michael Tiemann thanked[1] Google for VP8 and WebM, the royalty free, newly opened (standard) video codec.

John Palmier continued[2] the discussion about VP8/WebM and the problem that software patents may *still* pose to supposedly patent-free codecs.

Michel Salim noticed[3] that the Free Software Foundation Europe's logo involves a cross, and compared the FSFE to certain Christian ideals.

Kyle Baker wants[4] to make Linux a better place for artists and designers. "In order to make Fedora grow in to an OS that looks as good as it functions, we need to better bridge these worlds of design and development. The open source community can not do this alone. We need help from everyone who has colored a pretty picture or dreamt of doing so."

Toshio Kuratomi discussed[5] some of the issues and bottlenecks involved with getting people involved in the Fedora infrastructure process.

Máirín Duffy announced[6] that Fedora Board elections are open up soon, though by the time you read this, it may already be too late. Included are links to information about each candidate.

Sami Wagiaalla linked[7] to an article[8] by Stormy Peters titled "12 tips to getting things done in open source". "Most people used to the proprietary software world, with no experience in open source software, are amazed that anything gets done. (And lots gets done in the open source, way more than in most proprietary software companies!) And people new to open source are usually at a loss as to where to start. Often they come with a great idea, tell a couple of people who confirm it’s a great idea, and then … well, and then they don’t know what to do and the great idea fades."

Ben Boeckel showed off[9] a ZSH with version control system (git/CVS/SVN) integration built in to the prompt, similar to Jesus Rodriguez's "git branch in shell prompt"[10].

In this section, we cover the happenings for Fedora Marketing Project from 2010-05-19 to 2010-05-25.

Contributing Writer: Neville A. Cross

Mel Chua gave a call for help on screeshots for the one release notes[1] which some days later resulted in a awesome work[2]

Garland Binns has keep up with the Keyword optimizations for our web pages[3]. Paul Frields reminded us to use the short links for tracking hits to our web pages[4]

As usual, every Tuesday there is marketing meeting, and its logs are avaliable[5]

Fedora In the News

In this section, we cover news from the trade press and elsewhere that is re-posted to the Fedora Marketing list[1]

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

Fedora 13 released with open 3D drivers and Python 3 stack (Ars Technica)

Kara Schlitz forwarded[1] an article from Ars Technica from 2010-05-26:

"I tested Fedora 13 myself to see how it compares to the previous version. It's a fairly solid release, certainly one of the better offerings from Fedora that I've seen in a while. The improvements relative to version 12 are somewhat modest, but compelling enough to motivate an upgrade. The general level of fit and finish has increased since the previous version. After spending several hours with Fedora 13, my conclusion is that the new hat is a good fit."

The full post is available[2].

Fedora 13 Linux "Goddard" Takes Flight - (CIO Update)

Kara Schlitz posted links to[1] a posting originally appearing in in CIO Update this week. The article quotes an interview with Fedora Project leader, Paul W. Frields, and highlights some of the significant features in the new release. The article finishes with:

"The new Fedora 13 release comes as Red Hat is ramping up its development effort for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL). While Fedora benefits from contributions made by Red Hat staffers, Frields doesn't think that the Fedora Project has been starved for resources as a result of RHEL 6 development.

"We get a lot of support from Red Hat as a sponsor and from Red Hat engineers because they really look at Fedora as being an intrinsic part of their jobs," Frields said. "Making things work well in Fedora makes things better for Red Hat in the future versions of RHEL." "

The full post is available[2]

Rock it (The H Open - UK)

Kara Schlitz posted links to[1] an overview of the feature set of Fedora 13:

"With its modern open source drivers often developed mainly by Red Hat/Fedora developers, a quite recent kernel and a generally very current and in many places sophisticated set of components, Fedora 13 once again lives up to its reputation of being a cutting-edge distribution which field tests new technologies and programs before other distributions follow suit. Nevertheless, even the pre-release version of Fedora 13 has worked without major problems on several test systems in the past few weeks.

However, the tests also demonstrated Fedora's peculiarities which are already familiar from previous versions and caused by the distribution's modern software range as well as its exclusive focus on open source software. These include a rather tiresome installation of the NVIDIA drivers and the incompatibility with AMD's proprietary drivers – neither of which is Fedora's responsibility, but many a user might not see it this way. Despite such inconveniences and probably especially because of its comprehensive and current software range, Fedora has attracted a stable and apparently growing fan base and user community. "

The full article is available[2].

Fedora 13 – Linux for Applephobes (The Register - UK)

Kara Schlitz posted links to[1] an article from The Register this week that offers some comparison between Fedora 13 and recent Ubuntu releases. The article finishes with:

"Fedora has long had a reputation as the Linux you use when you grow up, when you get more sophisticated, and Fedora 13 is no different. Fedora 13 might eschew the flash of Ubuntu in favor of the more serious, but it still packs some useful, new features and applications while being every bit as easy to use.

If Ubuntu is uncomfortable because it leaves you feeling a bit like you're sharing ideals with Apple, take Fedora 13 for a spin. "

The full post is available[2]

Red Hat releases Fedora 13 (

Kara Schlitz posted links to[1] a concise review of some Fedora 13 highlights, including:

"Improvements include a smaller installation process, thanks to Fedora's Anaconda installer which has been designed to better handle storage devices and partitioning.

Fedora will automatically offer a driver installation prompt when the user plugs in a printer, for example, while improved colour management tools make it easier to print and produce high quality images.

Fedora 13 can be used in conjunction with a variety of Nvidia cards to enable 3D displays, the firm said, and new DisplayPort connectors are also supported on Nvidia and ATI cards.

The software now has extended support for stable PCI addresses and new shared network interface technology. Fedora 13 also features improvements in performance for KVM networking and large multi-processor systems."

The full post is available[2]

Fedora 13 brims with updates: Lucky for some (The Inquirer - UK)

Kara Schlitz posted links to[1] to a posting this week from the UK's The Inquirer that briefly highlights other aspects of Fedora 13:

"Developers working in mixed libraries (Python and C/C++) will have new tools it added, and will get more complex information when debugging applications, while a new Systemtap utility adds support for static probes, giving programmers better visibility over coding errors.

Python will be easier to debug, when working with gdb, and a parallel-installable Python 3 stack will let programmers write and test code for use in both Python 2.6 and Python 3 environments, it added.

Support for Netbeans Java EE6 has also been increased, and according to Fedora its NetBeans 6.8 integrated development environment is the first IDE to offer complete support for the entire Java EE 6 specification. IDEA Community Edition support is also featured.

Some experienced users, frustrated with Fedora as is, may appreciate the redesign to the user account tool and accounts dialog and accounts service test packages, which the group said would make it easier to do things like configure personal information, make a personal profile picture or icon, generate a strong passphrase, and set up login options.

Anyone attending the 2010 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World in late June in Boston can take away Fedora 13 on a free USB key."

The full post is available[2]

Seven Reasons to Upgrade to Fedora 13 (

Kara Schlitz forwarded[1] an article by Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier from last week on the final days before Fedora 13's release:

"Fedora 13 is right around the corner. Code-named "Goddard," the Fedora 13 release sports tons of updates from Fedora 12 and some really exciting new features that will have Linux power users running for their CD burners. You'll find everything from better printer support to experimental 3D support for Nvidia cards and filesystem rollback. Ready to roll up your sleeves? Let's take a look at the best of Fedora 13. Fedora's focus is slightly different than Ubuntu, openSUSE and some other Linux distributions. The project is focused on <> emphasizing software freedom and being first to innovate and ship new features. While Fedora isn't the most polished Linux distro you'll find, it's one of the most exciting to use. If you're on Fedora 12, we've got seven reasons you should be thinking about upgrading to Fedora 13 now or when it's officially released late this month."

The full post is available[2]

Oh My Goddard! An Early Look at Fedora 13 (Linux Magazine)

Kara Schlitz forwarded[1] Linux Magazine's recent preview of Fedora 13 from last week:

"Fedora 13 is on the way and while it innovates in its own right, it also borrows some major features from other distros such as Ubuntu and Mandriva. This is looking to be yet another great release from the Fedora community!

It might not have as much bling as Ubuntu, but Fedora still has a lot to offer. While the former focuses primarily on making life easier for new users (and generally does a great job at that), Fedora has been concentrating on the underlying technology and making the best possible entirely free operating system.

. . .

The effort that the community continues to put into each and every day truly makes for great, feature-full releases. To you we must say thank you - we appreciate all of your hard work! If you’re a user who’s never tried Fedora, why not give this exciting new release a try? It might not have as much bling as Ubuntu, but it’s a rock solid release based on the best free software has to offer."

The full post is available[2]


In this section, we cover Fedora Ambassadors Project[1].

Contributing Writer: Larry Cafiero

Fedora Ambassador Day North America held

Fedora Ambassador Day North America, a three-day event, was held on May 21-23 in Ames, Iowa, on the campus of Iowa State University. Among the topics discussed and decided on during the event were changes in the North American Ambassadors program including: changes included publicizing opportunites for non-ambassadors to promote Fedora at non-digital events; streamlining and creating an event owner checklist; discussion of policy of handling Ambassador funding; doing away with Regional Ambassador titles and streamlining the swag inventory system.

The following blogs, starting with Dave Nalley's comprehensive report, detail the happenings at the event:

David Nalley's blog can be found here.

Larry Cafiero's blog can be found here.

Max Spevack's blog can be found here.

Campus Ambassadors up and running

The Fedora Project's Campus Ambassadors program is up and running, and is looking for participants. If you're a high school or college student who wants to help promote Fedora on your campus, this is the place for you.

For more information, visit

Let us know about your Fedora 13 activities

Fedora 13 has now launched and Ambassadors are encouraged to hold release events. If you are planning to hold an event, let Fedora Weekly News know. Drop a line to lcafiero=at=fedoraproject-dot-org with the details and we'll get it in FWN.


This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) Project[1].

Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee

Problems with Guide Submissions

Members from various translation teams have reported[1][2] about difficulties that they were facing while submitting translations for Guides with multiple files, particularly the Installation Guide, Installation Quick Start Guide and Wireless Guide. Some translators have requested for a feature to submit multiple files in an archive format to avoid the current problems like timeouts a that they are facing on

Changes in Fedora Website Pages

Due to changes in the design of the website, a number of navigational links were altered, which needed to be updated in the Fedora Website pages. At present, Ricky Zhou[1] from the Fedora Website team has created a script to automatically replace the older links with appropriate new ones for the language on the build pages. The URLs for the translated versions would be included in the .PO files after the release of Fedora 13.

Fedora 13 Tasks for the Week

John Poelstra informed[1] the list about the upcoming tasks for Fedora 13. Translation of the nightly builds of the F13 Release Notes were scheduled to be completed on 0-day before the release of Fedora 13.

New Members in FLP

Ahmed Mohamed Araby (Arabic)[1] recently joined the Fedora Localization Project.

Security Advisories

In this section, we cover Security Advisories from fedora-package-announce.

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

Fedora 13 Security Advisories

Fedora 12 Security Advisories

Fedora 11 Security Advisories


This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora KDE Special Interests Group[1].

Contributing Writer: Ryan Rix

KDE SC 4.5 Beta 1 coming to kde-redhat/unstable

Rex Dieter has begun pushing builds of KDE SC 4.5 beta 1 to the KDE-RedHat unstable repositories for Fedora 13[1]. KDE SC 4.5 brings many new changes across the entire Software Compilation. While there is currently no official changelog, the 4.5 Feature Plan[2] gives an overview of the new features that are going to hit the kde-redhat/unstable repositories. Dieter will not be pushing Fedora 12 builds until beta 2 or possibly RC1.

If you are interested in testing the KDE SC 4.5 beta, you can find instructions on how to enable the repository at the kde-redhat homepage[3]. Please note that this release may have many bugs. Please report them under the Rawhide component in bugzilla or to rdieter in #fedora-kde on

New VLC-based phonon backend available

Amarok developer Mark Kretschmann has been working with[1] the VideoLan team, developers of the VLC media player to work on a new Phonon backend which uses VLC. Not only does this create a cross platform Phonon backend as VLC has been successfully ported to Mac OS X and Windows, but it is far more stable than existing VLC backends.

Rex Dieter has built a version of VLC which is compatible with this backend, along with the backend itself in the KDE-RedHat unstable repository for testing on Fedora 12 and Fedora 13. If you are interested in testing this new backend, you can find instructions on how to enable the repository at the kde-redhat homepage[2]. Install the phonon-backend-vlc package and set it as the primary Backend in System Settings->Multimedia->Backend.