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Revision as of 03:35, 14 September 2010 by Sankarshan (talk | contribs) (Updated summary of traffic on FAmSCo mailing list)


This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Ambassadors Project[1].

Contributing Writer: Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay

Welcome New Ambassadors

The Fedora Ambassadors Project saw a couple of new Ambassadors joining in after undergoing to mentoring process.

Aurelie Chreng joined [1] The Fedora Ambassadors Project from the United Kingdom mentored by Mathieu Bridon

Ahmed Abdo Mohamed joined [2] The Fedora Ambassadors Project from the United Kingdom mentored by Robert Scheck

Summary of traffic on Ambassadors mailing list

Ankur Sinha asked [1] about the need for the drop-down on the Ambassadors Map [2] page. Susmit Shannigrahi replied [3] explaining his initial goal and also provided [4] link to the source requesting anyone to extend it. Máirín Duffy suggested [5] the possibility of showing the full page by default and pointed out [6] an example. Susmit responded [7] saying that he would get to it if time permits

Jukka Palander reminded [8] Ambassadors about the need for more votes to be able to obtain a Fedora Workshop at the Open Source World Conference [9]

Ankur Sinha reported [10] that Planet Fedora on [11] was not displaying updates and was possibly broken. Susmit Shannigrahi confirmed [12] the fact and fixed it and requested that it be observed for any such incidents in the future

Edgar Rodolfo provided an update [13] about the Fedora Community in Peru mentioning that Henry Anchante had decided to leave the Fedora Community. The update however did bring forward the issue of writing mails to the Ambassador list in English [14]

David Ramsey posted [15] meeting notes and side notes from the APAC meeting on 2010-09-05

Summary of traffic on FAmSCo mailing list

Joerg Simon informed [1] that he would be traveling and was not sure about the data connectivity. He pointed out that the report for August [2] needs to be completed, preferably by 2010-09-18 1800 UTC

María Leandro added [3] that the section for LATAM was complete

Max Spevack sent out a reminder [4] for a meeting on 2010-09-20 and asked if everyone was agreeing to that date.