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Revision as of 18:45, 22 March 2011 by Robert (talk | contribs) (Minor grammar correction)
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Fedora Events: Open Source Days 2011 - Copenhagen, Denmark

The Open Source Days 2011 are the largest general Linux/BSD/Open Source conference in Denmark. They started in 1998 with Linux98, continued with LinuxForum - and in 2008 renamed the successful conference to Open Source Days. The conference is very popular and with about 500 visitors one of the largest open IT-conferences in the Nordic region.

Open Source Days 2011 - Community Edition is offering short as well as long presentations, discussions and a day filled with possibilities of involving visitors at the conference. As an additional spice the organizers have selected exiting foreign presenters as well as several companies will present their offerings. The day will end with relaxed talks and beer of various kinds.

The Open Source Days 2011 are the 13th open source conference in a row held in Copenhagen, Denmark. Education and learning and news within Open Source is in strong focus.

When and Where



We should have 2-3 Ambassadors to have always at least one Ambassador on the Booth.

Fedora got in total three tickets for the booth personal, two of them are actually assigned. If somebody from Fedora still needs a ticket, please contact the event owner.


The following talks were proposed and submitted to the coordination team:

Speaker Title Length Accepted?
Robert Scheck Building RPMs made easy 45 min
Robert Scheck How to get software into Fedora 45 min
Robert Scheck Fedora - Community-based Development 45 min
Robert Scheck Zarafa Collaboration Platform 15 min
Speaker Title Length Accepted?

 : Accepted  : Declined  : No idea yet


We can expect from the organizer:

  • Space for the booth
  • Table & Chairs
  • Electrical Power
  • Wired and Wireless Internet access

What we bring:

  • Blue table cloth for booth decoration
  • Fedora banners/posters for booth decoration
  • Fedora 14 media (live & install) as swag/giveaway
  • Some Fedora t-shirts for selling
  • Fedora stickers and pins as swag/giveaway
  • OLPC XO for presentations at the booth


In addition to the people listed as booth personnel above, the following Fedora Project attendees are also going to visit the Open Source Days:


  • Booth has been confirmed by the coordination team
  • Accepted talks (from the proposed ones) were communicated
  • Received information that stickers are strictly forbidden
  • Requested a sticker exception if it's put onto equipment
  • Sticker exception was refused by the coordination team
  • Tickets for booth personal arrived and were forwarded
  • Event took successfully place, see sections below


