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Revision as of 12:37, 14 January 2014 by Cwickert (talk | contribs) (Nomination period is closed.)

The nomination period is CLOSED
The nomination period ended at 23:59:59 UTC on January 13, 2014.

The following elections will take place in January 2014:

All dates and times noted are UTC time.

Fedora Board Elections January 2014

For the last election, please look at NominationsmayJune2013

There are two seats up for elections this period:

More information on board seats history is available here

Eligible Voters
Voting eligibility is determined by a community member's Fedora Account System (FAS) memberships.

To vote for the Fedora Project Board you must have cla_done in FAS.

Candidate Template


  • Goal statement:
  • Past work summary:
  • Future plans:
  • Anything else you want to add:


CLOSED The questions have not been posted. Please wait for the questionnaire wrangler to contact you!


Neville A. Cross - YN1V

Nicaraguan, using fedora since FC4, contributor since 2008, power user, zero programming skills, major in business administration, Amateur Radio.

  • Goal statement: Help mature the LATAM community, so the region will have more contributors able to participate in meanaingful ways to events like FLOCK.
  • Past work summary: Ambassador since 2008, Mentor (inactive), Freemedia coordinator, Famsco member twice in the past, Fedora Communitic Credit Card holder, organizing Fedora Release parties in Managua since Fedora 11.
  • Future plans: Raise awareness that LATAM need a different approach for growing collaborator community. Get more small events building contributors skills to grow collaborators number. Raise awareness of the key skills needed to contribute to Fedora Project. Promote the idea of "pet projects" so people can get something concrete for learning how to contribute. Raise awareness of the gap for LATAM possible contributors and look for ways to create bridges.
  • Anything else you want to add: Having new contributors in Nicaragua have sparked in me to follow more close how people get on board, the why and the obstacle that they have found. As non technical person I would like provide a more or less fresh eyes on how to create ramps to get on board of Fedora Project as contributor. For Beefy Miracle release party we had a hot dog cart.

Haïkel Guémar (number80)

  • Goal statement: Ensure that Fedora community grows steadily and in a healthy way.
  • Past work summary:
    • Fedora Cloud WG member
    • Package maintainer since 2006 (sponsor)
    • Active Ambassador since 2006
    • Fedora Community Member since 2004
  • Future Plans:
    • Improve our recruiting process: make new contributors feel more welcome, push outreach programs
    • is changing the shape of how we build and *think* Fedora, (servant) leadership is needed to make the transition smoother. The board may have to serve as a mediator.
    • Collaborate more tightly with our sister community aka CentOS