From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 09:34, 11 April 2013 by Rbergero (talk | contribs) (first talking points taking shape)

These are the Talking Points for the Fedora 19 release. They are currently under construction. For information on how we are making these talking points, please see Talking Points SOP.

Not everything listed here right now will end up as a talking point.
The list below covers all the Fedora 19 features; we will be looking at the features that have comments on why they should become talking points, and choosing the final small selection of talking points from that, then cleaning up this page.


We have traditionally used categories along the lines of "User, Developer, Sysadmin," and of late have used additional categories for release announcements such as "cloud." I'd like to rethink that - the line is increasingly blurry for all of those groups, and I wonder if we might get more understanding by grouping some features along the lines of what they enable.

Suggested Categories

  • User
  • Sysadmin
  • Developer
  • Cloud
  • (new) Develop and Distribute: Languages, compilers, and tools for developing software, and tools for packaging software.
  • (new) Start and Recover: Enabling a variety of options for improving boot times, as well as quicker recovery from system or software failure.
  • (new) Monitor and Manage: Systems and resource management, and tools for diagnosis, monitoring, and logging.
  • Add your suggestion here!

How to use Categories

Feel free to give a feature multiple categories; if you come up with category suggestions of your own, add them to the suggested categories list and apply them in the list of features as you see fit and reasonable.

Brainstorming List

Features on this draft/brainstorming list have been accepted as features for Fedora 19. Extended descriptions of the features can be seen on the Feature List; it may be helpful to view that list in a separate window as you consider which features

Feature Category Why should this be a talking point?
3D Printing Users, Developers, Develop & Distribute This enables 3D printing technologies directly in Fedora, including creation of 3D models, generation of G-code for printers, and the ability to control 3D printers, such as RepRap. These capabilities are new to Fedora.
AnacondaNewUI Followup
Anaconda Realm Integration
CUPS 1.6
Checkpoint/Restore Sysadmin, Start & Recover Enables process checkpoints, which can be used to either restore a process (in case of failure) without significant data loss, or to move a process, process tree, or container to another machine for load balancing or system maintenance purposes, without disrupting service.
Developers Assistant Developers, Develop & Distribute Provides an easy method for developers to start new projects via package sets by language (currently C, Java, and Python). A new project can take advantage of project templates and samples, based on language selection or framework, as well as having the appropriate toolchain installed to develop in that language. Additionally, the ability to directly upload to GitHub is HUUUUUGE and cool.
Dracut HostOnly
Erlang/OTP R16
Fedora 19 Boost 1.53 Uplift
Federated VoIP
firewalld Lockdown
firewalld Rich Language
First-Class Cloud Images
FreeIPA Two Factor Authentication
GCC 4.8.x
GLIBC 2.17
High Availability Container Resources Sysadmin, Monitor & Manage Extends the HA stack (pacemaker + corosync) beyond management of virtual guests to inside the guests themselves, enabling the ability to manage both virtual guests and the resources that live within the guests all from the host cluster node without requiring the guest nodes to run the cluster stack. New containers can be defined and subsequently added to the cluster.
FreeIPA v3 Trust Improvements
Features/JRuby 1.7
Java 8
KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.10
Less Brittle Kerberos
MATE Desktop 1.6
MinGW GCC 4.8
More Mobile Broadband
New firstboot
Node.js Developers, Develop & Distribute The Node.js platform is a highly popular development and deployment ecosystem, designed for easily building fast, scalable network applications, and suitable for developing real-time applications that run across distributed devices. In addition to the node.js runtime, the npm package manager is also included. End-users will also benefit from the ability to run Node.js apps such as etherpad lite and ethercalc in Fedora.
Ease Of Use: System Management with OpenLMI Sysadmins, Monitor and Manage
OpenShift Origin
OpenStack Grizzly
Feature Name: Performance Co-Pilot Feature Update
PHP 5.5
QXL/Spice KMS Driver
Update RPM to 4.11
Realmd FreeIPA Support
Remove PyXML from Fedora
Replace MySQL with MariaDB
Ruby 2.0.0 Developers, Develop & Distribute Ruby 2.0.0 is the newest version of this popular language, released in February 2013. It includes a number of new features and increases in speed and reliability. An included custom Ruby loader provides the ability to easily switch interpreters while still keeping backwards compatibility with all the user's ruby scripts.
Ryu Network Operating System
SSSD improve AD integration
Scratch for Fedora
Shared System Certificates
Simplify Java/Maven Packaging using XMvn Developers, Develop & Distribute
Syslinux Option Sysadmin, Cloud, Start & Recover This optional bootloader, which can be used in place of grub2, is focused on virtualized systems as a primary target. It is small, has minimal dependencies, is significantly easier to use than grub2, and is ideal for use in images in the cloud and other Fedora-based virt appliances.
systemd Calendar Timers
systemd Lightweight Containers
systemd Message Catalog
systemd/udev Predictable Network Interface Names
systemd Resource Control Sysadmins, Monitor & Manage Enables administrators to dynamically modify c-groups based resource controls for services at runtime. Service settings such as MemoryLimit=, CPUShares= or BlockIOWeight= can now be changed at runtime, and have the changes take effect immediately.
Systemtap 2.2 Sysadmins, Monitor & Manage
Thermostat 1.0 Sysadmins, Monitor & Manage This monitoring and servicing tool for Java apps enables the ability to examine applications as they are running. The 1.0 release includes improvements in gathering information for monitored hosts and Java virtual machines, either on a single machine or in a network or cluster, and a stable API for plugin developers.
Trusted Network Connect (TNC)
Virt Storage Migration Sysadmin, Monitor & Manage, possibly Start & Recover? While the ability to migrate a virtual machine from one host to another has existed for a while, but VM storage disks previously needed to be shared by the respective hosts, as well as mounted in the same location. Virt storage migration enables the ability to move the VM *and* in-use storage, without having shared storage between the hosts. This ability comes directly from new improvements in QEMU, which previously had a storage migration feature, but was painful.
Virtio RNG
Add LVM Thin provisioning support to the yum-fs-snapshot plugin
Yum Groups as Objects
GSS Proxy

Template for Final Talking Points Selected

These are the Talking Points for the Fedora 19 release. For information on how these talking points were chosen, see Talking Points SOP. They are intended to help Ambassadors quickly present an overview of highlighted features when talking about the release.

The talking points are based in part on the features for this release. Any Fedora community member can introduce a feature, using our feature process.

Uncategorized Features

3D Printing Feature

3D Printing feature

3D printing is enabled through availability of a variety of tools, ranging from software for creation of 3D models, to tools for generation of G-code and delivery to a 3D printer. Software available includes: OpenSCAD, for creating solid 3D CAD objects, and the associated MCAD library, for design and mock-up of mechanical designs; Skeinforge and SFACT, toolchains for conversion of 3D models into instructions for RepRap; Printrun, a suite of G-code sender tools for RepRap, with both command-line and graphical interfaces, as well as a GUI tool to prepare printing plate from STL files for RepRap; and RepetierHost, an all-in-one tool for 3D printing, with the ability to model on a virtual print plate, slice models, and error-check and send G-code.

3D modeling and printing is enabled through a variety of tools in Fedora, including OpenSCAD, Skeinforge, SFACT, Printrun, and RepetierHost.

Checkpoint and Restore Feature

Checkpoint/Restore feature

The checkpoint/restore feature enables the ability to checkpoint processes, and restore them on another machine. Created by the CRIU project, the crtools software can be used for cases such as load balancing, fault tolerance, or system maintenance purposes. Taken in regular intervals, process checkpoints can be used to either restore a process (in case of failure) without significant data loss, or to move a process, process tree, or container to another machine for load balancing or system maintenance purposes, without disrupting service.

The Checkpoint/restore capability provides the ability to checkpoint and restore a process, and is useful for cases such as process failure, or moving a process to another machine for maintenance or load balancing.

Developer's Assistant Feature

High Availability Container Resources Feature

Node.js Feature

OpenLMI Feature

Virt Storage Migration Feature

[[ ]]


bottom line comment.

Thermostat 1.0 Feature

systemd Resource Control Feature

Syslinux Boot Option Feature

OpenShift Origin Feature

Scratch for Fedora


Spins are alternate versions of Fedora, tailored for various uses by community members.

Spins are alternate versions of Fedora. In addition to various desktop environments for Fedora, spins are also available as tailored environments for various types of users via hand-picked application sets or customizations.

(OLD EXAMPLE FOLLOWS - need to replace with what is submitted for F19!) Interest-specific Spins include the Design Suite Spin, Games Spin, and Security Spin, among others. Available desktop environments, in addition to the GNOME 3 desktop which is shipped in the default version of Fedora 15, include Xfce, Sugar on a Stick, KDE, and LXDE.

To see all of the Official Fedora 19 Release Spins, see the Fedora 19 Release Spins link.

Spin Name

GNOME 3 feature Link to spin on FeatureList.

Long description of feature, paragraph-sized.

To the point, short sentence about Spin.