From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Monday

  • POSSE is so totally pwning everything. yay! guests confirmed, RH people interested in education pinged, etc...
  • in other news, I have NECC plans. Housing, transportation, and a growing list of things to do and people to meet, which I should update with today's round of emails.
  • huh, seems to have brought some "yeah, I gave up on learning how to package before because it was too hard" stuff out of the woodwork. Investigating.
  • hm, maybe I should set better concrete daily deliverables for myself other than "reply to all these emails in my inbox"

🔗 Tuesday - Friday

(Slipped and didn't log these days. Whoops.)

🔗 NECC/NYC trip

🔗 Websites


  • we have a logo

  • send blogpost, 300-500 words, to John and Kim. Boy did I slip on this one.
  • POSSE logo
  • buy POSSE swag and get it all shipped and over with
  • take 30m to whack the CLS wiki into shape and poke Jono to get the mailing list up already
  • pick RHCE class to take; pwn scheduling
  • "Is POSSE okay?" check
  • websites task tour
  • look at this "is RPM-making hard?" thing again
  • POSSE meeting, emails
  • NECC plans

🔗 Saturday

  • on the plane: Karsten/Greg book-readin', now with commentatin' action.
  • in transit: edit intern script thingy
  • NECC bloggin'

🔗 Sunday

  • NECC bloggin'

🔗 next week