This is not the Ambassadors Join Start Page, go there first!
This page confirms the end of the steps you must complete as a potential Fedora Ambassador are required to complete. Please make sure you have completed all of the steps below, then skip to the Approval Process for more information on what happens next.
- Create User Wiki Page
- Explore the Fedora Project
- Request Ambassador Membership
- Choose a Mentor
- Subscribe to the Ambassadors Mailing List
Once you have verified the steps above, the approval process below will then take place.
🔗 Approval Process
After FAmA gets your request approved by your mentor, and you have completed all of the above steps, FAmA will sponsor and approve your membership to the Ambassador Group in FAS. FAmA (fedora-ambassadors-list-owner AT redhat DOT com) will make group introductions as soon as your ambassadors request has been approved.
During the mentoring process, the new candidate would not normally be able to request money or materials from the project. Exceptions can be made in extraordinary cases.
If a person, already actively contributing to another project with Fedora, joins the ambassadors team, they may skip the "mentoring" period.