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This test case tests the gnome-shell handling of adding and removing favorites from the Dash.


  1. Boot into a GNOME session with GNOME Shell

How to test

  1. Open the Activites Overview by: pressing the Super key (also known as the Windows key), touching the top-left screen corner with the pointer, or clicking Activities in the top bar.
  2. Go to the Applications view
  3. Add an application to the Dash (the bar where running applications and favorites are listed): right-click on its icon and select Add to Favorites
  4. You can also test adding applications that are running but are not favorites
  5. Add many more applications to the Dash
  6. Try launching the added applications from the Dash
  7. Remove all the applications you added from the Dash: right-click on their icons (either in the Applications view, or in the Dash) and select Remove from Favorites

Expected Results

  1. Adding favorites to and removing favorites from the Dash should both work, whether from the Dash or from the Applications view
  2. The Dash should gracefully handle the addition of a large number of favorites: there should be no crashes or errors, and it should make a reasonable effort to make them all available
  3. The Dash should gracefully handle the removal of a large number of favorites: there should be no crashes or errors, and it should take advantage of the space freed up