๐ Fedora PowerManagement SIG
๐ Mission
The PowerManagement SIG (Special Interest Group) is a group of Fedora contributors that wants to improve the current state of power management and savings across the whole Fedora distribution. This starts at kernel components, goes over userland improvements up to usability and user experience on the Desktop.
๐ Participants
- Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> (Lead, tuned, monitoring, documentation)
- Jiri Skala <jskala@redhat.com>(BLTK packager)
- Marcela Maslanova <mmaslano@redhat.com> (initscript/udev service start/stop review)
- Petr Lautrbach <plautrba@redhat.com> (initscript/udev service start/stop automation)
- Jan Scotka <jscotka@redhat.com> (QA coverage)
- Jaroslav ล karvada <jskarvad AT redhat DOT com> (package maintainer of powertop and pm-utils, measurement/benchmarking)
๐ Joining the SIG
As with most other Fedora projects and SIGs all it takes is your interest. There are enough topics to cover around Power Management, so it's unlikely we will run out of work to do. :) Feel free to join us on #fedora-power IRC channel or power-management mailing list.
๐ How you can help
- Meetings:We will hold weekly meetings to discuss the general topic: IRC meetings - Every Wednesday at 14:00 - 15:00 UTC on #fedora-meeting
- Meeting logs:SIGs/PowerManagement/Meetings
- Work Areas: We have several real technical oriented work areas, listed below. If you want to contribute to any of them feel free to check out the specific areas.
- Testing: In order to be able to make any kind of comparison we will need reproducible testing. This includes measurements itself as well as reproducible workloads. For the later we've included BLTK in Fedora 11 already, for the former we're still investigating how to address this properly.
- Bugs: In case you find something that should be improved in regard to power management please open a Bugzilla for it. We have several tracker bugs for Fedora for power management:
- Documentation: A large topic that we want to address is documentation improvements. Right now a lot of the technical pieces are there, but there is no comprehensive documentation available that describes in understandable terms with examples how to use it.
- To do list: List of things to do, ideas for improvement, new projects proposal, etc. Check this list and maybe you will find something interesting you would like to work on:
๐ Work Areas
๐ Kernel
Work around kernel, hardware and driver topics are being covered in detail here: SIGs/PowerManagementKernel
๐ BaseOS
Same for the underlying basic user space topics: SIGs/PowerManagementBaseOS
๐ Desktop
Same for the whole Desktop space: SIGs/PowerManagementDesktop
๐ Documentation
UserDocumentation DevelopmentDocumentation
๐ Measurement and results
Contains various measurement reports
- RHEL 5 vers. F12 power consumption comparison
- Power consumption of wifi in notebook
- Comparison virtualized 32 bit and 64 bit systems
- Power savings using different tunables on Fedora 12