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Revision as of 00:29, 16 February 2011 by Lcafiero (talk | contribs) (→‎Budget (Draft): adding items to budget)

SCaLE 9X: The Southern California Linux Expo

The 9th Annual Southern California Linux Expo will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 25-27, 2010, at The Hilton Los Angeles Airport.

Date and Time

  • February 25-27, 2010 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)


  • (get map)


  • Details to follow.



A FAD will be scheduled for SCaLE 9x. Details to follow.

Booth Volunteers

Please add yourself if you're planning to spend at least a little while at the Fedora Booth helping out.

Who Friday Saturday Sunday Comments
Larry Cafiero FAD X X SCALE, baby!
Scott Williams FAD
Ruth Suehle x x? Availability dependent on my speaking slot and other talks I want to cover for
Clint Savage FAD x x Let me know what I need to do to ensure a room and the like
Alejandro Acosta x x Would provide assistance/information in Spanish/English
Ben Williams X if sponsored, will help with booth and testing the FAD
your name here


  • Table for the event secured.
  • Call for Presentations is open until Dec. 13, 2010.
  • Room for FAD on Feb. 25 proposed and likely available.

Arrival - Departure

Who Arrive (Flight-Time) Departure (Flight-Time) Comments
Larry Cafiero 2/24 2/27
Scott Williams 2/24 2/27
Ben Williams 2/24 2/26 if sponored

Budget (Draft)

For SCALE9x, $3,114 is requested for the following items (see NOTE: below):

Item Cost 'Bucket' Comments Sub-total
Ambassador team lodging $654 Ambassador Clint Savage/family ($109/night x 3); Scott Williams/Alejandro Acosta $109/night x 3)
Travel $1,210 Ambassador Broken down as follows: Clint Savage airfare, $500; Alejandro Acosta airfare, $550; Larry Cafiero fuel (taking his car w/event box) $160
SCALE sponsorship $1,000 Ambassador
Buffer $200 Ambassador Cost overruns, etc.
Printing $50 Ambassador Handouts of presentation times, etc.
Schwag? $0 Ambassador USB keys? etc.
Ambassador sub-total - Ambassador $3,114

Note: Travel figures are estimated and exact figures could be lower.

Blogs and Reports

Kid Friendly Activities

  • XO
  • More details to follow

Planning meetings

  • Details to follow