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Revision as of 16:42, 8 May 2013 by Stefw (talk | contribs) (Break into various test subsections)

Fedora 19 Test Days
Enterprise accounts

Date 2013-05-09
Time all day

Website realmd SSSD project, Feature page
IRC #sssd (webirc, #fedora-test-day (webirc))

Can't make the date?
If you come to this page before or after the test day is completed, your testing is still valuable, and you can use the information on this page to test, file any bugs you find, and add your results to the results section.

๐Ÿ”— What to test?

Today's Test Day will be focused on new features related to using enterprise accounts (coming from either Active Directory or FreeIPA), in particular realmd and adcli to join a machine to a domain and sssd to handle authentication and other related tasks.

๐Ÿ”— Who's available

๐Ÿ”— Prerequisite for Test Day

  • You may download a non-destructive Fedora 19 live image for your architecture. Tips on using a live image are available at FedoraLiveCD.
Architecture SHA256SUM
x86_64 720f0cb153aac8ae2e55629ec4a50e1c3f53a5fbe4b2ce65f1d6792b15af94b0
i686 29d7de49bd77760299924f90e9f732d60892766ff32318f5fac5dcbb4089073e
  • If you don't want to use the LiveCD, you can use an updated Fedora 19 pre-release
    • Make sure that the following components are installed:
      • adcli-0.7-1.fc19
      • realmd-0.14.0-1.fc19
      • sssd-1.10.0-4.fc19.beta1
      • selinux-policy-3.12.1-42.fc19
  • A server to test against. Most test cases require an Active Directory domain, other tests require a FreeIPA server. Don't worry if you don't have both, any involvement in the test day is much appreciated!
  • Domain user account or administrator account on the given Active Directory domain. See table below for which test cases require which privileges.
  • If you are on Red Hat internal network you can test against our internal Test Bed: Test Day:2013-05-09 Red Hat Test Bed. Please note that the Test Bad doesn't have all capabilities which are required to run all test cases. While all test cases which requires administrator privileges and posix users are supported, the test cases with privileges listed below can't be run against the Test Bad (please skip them). In some cases you might need to contact the Test Bed admins to perform some special configuration; please contact pkis or dspurek.

๐Ÿ”— How to test

At a high level the following are being tested:

  • realmd used together with Active Directory or FreeIPA
  • adcli used together with Active Directory
  • latest Kerberos improvements
  • sssd used together with Active Directory or FreeIPA

You can explore these, and their documentation. Or you can follow the test cases below.

๐Ÿ”— Tests: Kerberos

Testcase Description Privileges Duration
noconf Using Active Directory without krb5.conf Any 5 minutes
clocks Kerberos client with unsynced clocks Any 5 minutes
rdns Kerberos client without reverse DNS Any 5 minutes -
User noconf clocks rdns References
Sample User
Pass pass
Warning warn
Fail fail
  1. โ†‘ Test pass, RHBZ #54321
  2. โ†‘ RHBZ #12345

๐Ÿ”— Tests: Basics of sssd and realmd

Testcase Description Privileges Duration
discover domain Using realmd to discover information about an Active Directory domain Any 5 minutes
discover server Using realmd to discover information about an Active Directory server Any 5 minutes
join domain Using realmd to join a domain using standard options and configure sssd Admin account 15 minutes
leave domain Using realmd to leave a domain and deconfigure sssd Any 10 minutes
join otp Using realmd to join a domain using a one time password Admin account 15 minutes
leave remove Using realmd to leave a domain, removing the computer account, and deconfigure sssd Any 10 minutes
login domain After joining a domain, log in using domain credentials User and admin account 10 minutes
DNS dynamic updates Verifies an AD client is able to update its DNS record. Joined to a domain 20 minutes

๐Ÿ”— Tests: Integration of realmd

Testcase Description Privileges Duration
kickstart Use anaconda and kickstart to join a domain during installation. Admin account 45 minutes
control center Use control center to add an Enterprise Login from a domain. User or admin account 20 minutes
gdm screen Check the GDM login screen domain hints Joined to a domain 10 minutes

๐Ÿ”— Tests: Advanced sssd and realmd

Testcase Description Privileges Duration
login any Allow any domain user to log into local machine User and admin account 15 minutes
login withdraw Withdraw access to a user to log into the machine User and admin account 15 minutes
deny any Deny any domain logins to the machine User and admin account 15 minutes
join ccache Join the current machine to an Active Directory domain using kerberos credentials already acquired before the join. Administrator 10 minutes
join osinfo Join the current machine to an Active Directory, and set the operating system name and version of the account. Administrator 10 minutes
join packages Join the current machine to an Active Directory, and prevent automatic installation of packages. Administrator 10 minutes
join names Join the current machine to an Active Directory, without using fully qualified user names. Administrator 10 minutes
join posix Join the current machine to an Active Directory, but use the POSIX attributes in the directory. Administrator or user with posix attributes 10 minutes
join server Join the current machine to an Active Directory, manually specifying the domain server you want to join against. Administrator 10 minutes
join upn Join the current machine to an Active Directory, while creating a userPrincipalName. Administrator 10 minutes
site disco Verifies an AD client is able to connect to a particular DNS site as defined on the AD server Requires a joined client 20 minutes
netbios disco This test case verifies an Active Directory client is able to discover the NetBIOS name automatically Requires a joined client 15 minutes

๐Ÿ”— Tests: Advanced adcli

To run these test cases you need to fulfill these prerequisites. In addition, further for using adcli with complex domains.

Testcase Description Privileges Approx. time required
info domain This test case retrieves basic information about a domain. Any 5 minutes
info server This test case retrieves basic information about a domain controller and the domain it is a part of. Any 5 minutes
join simple This test case verifies that adcli join works with basic options. Administrator 5 minutes
join nodns his test case verifies that adcli join can work without DNS. Administrator 5 minutes
preset auto This test case precreates accounts in the domain using adcli join, using the default automatic 'reset' computer account password. Administrator 5 minutes
preset otp This test case precreates accounts in the domain using adcli join. Administrator 5 minutes

๐Ÿ”— Tests: With FreeIPA

Testcase Description Privileges Approx. time required
join Join a client machine to a domain admin 10 minutes
login Log in using FreeIPA credentials, both online and offline admin 15 minutes
sudo Test FreeIPA's sudo management capabilities admin 10 minutes
ssh Verify FreeIPA's SSH public key management admin 20 minutes
automount Test FreeIPA's automounter maps management admin 20 minutes
leave Leave a FreeIPA domain by deconfiguring it locally. Any 5 minutes
User FreeIPA join FreeIPA login FreeIPA sudo FreeIPA SSH FreeIPA automount FreeIPA control center FreeIPA leave References
Sample User
Pass pass
Warning warn
Fail fail
  1. โ†‘ Test pass, RHBZ #54321
  2. โ†‘ RHBZ #12345