From Fedora Project Wiki


Member Commission Expires
Nick Bebout (F27)
Gabriele Trombini (F26)
Ginannis Konstantinidis (F26)
Itamar Ruis Peixoto (F27)
Jona Azizaj (F26)
Robert Mayr (F26)
Sumantro Mukherjee (F27)

For historical FAmSCo members, see the FAmSCo history page.

Mission and goals


To provide the governance and support structure necessary to assist and enable Fedora Ambassadors worldwide.


  • Manage the grow the Fedora Ambassadors project through mentoring.
  • Enable local regional leaders as much as possible. Push resources and accountability to the edges of the project.
  • In accordance with the process for sponsoring event attendees, ensure that event reports are written, and that people who receive funding are held accountable.
  • Establish metrics for determining the value of different events and initiatives, and allocate resources accordingly.
  • Manage a global events & swag budget.
  • Resolve any disputes that arise within Fedora Ambassadors.
  • Acknowledge that the Ambassadors mailing list is one of the largest concentrations of non-native English speakers within Fedora, and make policy as clear and simple as possible.

Details about FAmSCo's current tasks are available.

Current tasks


Number Topic Wiki page
Ticket 359 Reorganizing Ambassador Mentoring Reorganizing Ambassador Mentoring
Ticket 371 Outreach Representiatve for the new Fedora Council
Ticket 373 Tranforming FAmSCo into "FOSCo" — Fedora Outreach Steering Committee FOSCo status
Ticket 394 Solution for over regional sponsoring
Ticket 395 Request to step down as mentor
Ticket 397 Request to clean up mentor's from Latam
Ticket 400 Wiki editing problem for possible new Ambassadors

Team tasks F25

To be aware of the Ambassadors Team Task for the current Fedora release, please take a look here.

Next meeting Agenda

Next meeting will be held on 2016-08-17 from 14:00:00 to 15:00:00 UTC at, people want to join us can do it suddenly by using the webchat Freenode makes available here. The Agenda is about:

  1. Roll call
  2. Announcements
  3. Action items from previous meetings
  4. Tickets
  5. Current status of FOSCo workflow
    • based on ticket #373 above - In the "Meet your FAmSCo" session at Flock, we decided to start off with a small core of representative (Ambassadors - Marketing - Design - Commops). Other groups (websites - G11n - Docs - others?) will be picked up along the way.
  6. Open Floor


FAmSCo meets weekly on IRC to discuss the business at hand.


Most decisions in FAmSCo are made through a process known as "lazy approval", in which general consent is assumed unless valid objections are raised.

Decision making is done on a +1 / +0 / -1 system in FAmSCo meetings or trac tickets. Votes casted in a meeting will be aggregated and added to the trac ticket by the minutes keeper.

The timeframe for voting is seven days. If no negative votes (-1) are recorded within this timeframe, the proposal passed, even if there was no quorum.

In the event that there IS a negative vote by any member, that member must explain their thinking or logic behind their vote within the seven days timeframe.

FAmSco will revisit the topic again and decide how to proceed. FAmSCo members are free to change their earlier votes if they consider the concerns that have been brought up valid. This time, simple majority is required, that means at least four positive votes (+4), or three positive votes (+3) and no negative votes (-1).

When consensus can't be reached, FAmSCo may ask the Fedora Council to decide on a resolution. Such a request can be made when issues leading to negative votes are outstanding and all FAmSCo members agree that the FAmSco is deadlocked, or if the dispute is unresolved after fourteen days and a simple majority of FAmSCo members are in favor of the request.


FAmSCo issues monthly reports on their work, which can be found on the FAmSCo category page.

Mailing List

The 2010 FAmSCo's first action was to make the committee's list archives public. The old FAmSCo list was retired, and a new one was created.


The FAmSCo elections are held each release as part of the larger Fedora Project elections.