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🔗 FLSCo Nominations 2008

This page holds the nominations for the 2008 FLSCo elections.

Put your nominations here and keep them in alphabetic order.

For some ideas, you might want to look at some other projects ' nominations.

🔗 Ankit Patel (ankit)

🔗 Mission Statement

Get Fedora in Maximum possible languages and make the Fedora Localization process better.

🔗 Past work summary

  • I have been maintaining the previous translation repositories of Fedora on elvis, which included Managing translators' accounts, putting new modules for translation on elvis, solving translators' account related queries from last one year.
  • Maintainer of the Gujarati language for FLP from last 3.5 years
  • Maintaining, Mozilla (Firefox/Thunderbird), and various open source projects in Gujarati from last 3.5 years. Along with that putting all localization related information on
  • I have developed an application for Fedora 5, namely called "system-config-control"
  • Actively participated in quality assurance and testing events of the newly launched fedora translation system (Transifex, DL)

🔗 Future plans

  • Provide innovative ideas on making FLP (Transifex/DL) better.
  • Increase the language coverage: Encourage people to localize Fedora into their native language, which is not included in Fedora yet. Which can introduce new languages in FLP. Especially, would like to start with Indic languages.
  • Making the FLP website better, as I think it can become better than what it is now.

🔗 Bart Couvreur (couf)

🔗 Mission Statement

Make the Fedora Localization Project even more known in the different sub-projects of the Fedora Project (liaison-function), strive to maintain a healthy community growth and move project onwards.

🔗 Past work summary

  • I've taken an active role in helping the FLP grow over the last year, to come where we are now
  • Maintainer of the Dutch language for FLP
  • Part of the initiators who made FLP what it is now
  • Member of various other sub-projects:
  • Documentation (member of FDSCo )
  • Ambassador for Belgium
  • ....

🔗 Future plans

  • Try to help upstream projects like GNOME and KDE to integrate with our current toolchain, and thus make it possible for Fedora translators to work at a Fedora level, but get their translations upstream
  • Keep up the level that the project has and lift it even higher
  • Focus on the community-aspect of FLP, we shouldn't forget our people :-)

🔗 Diego Búrigo Zacarão (diegobz)

🔗 Mission Statement

Continue to improve the Fedora Localization Project as a very solid sub-project of Fedora Project with a great infrastructure, user friendly tools, and goals well defined.

🔗 Past work summary

  • I am one of the Brazilian Portuguese language maintainers and I have been working on it for 3 years. I am responsible for the Docs and Website's translations like release-notes and fedora-web, for example.
  • Also, on the Fedora Localization Project (FLP) I have contributed with some tests, configurations, bug fixes, patch and some code implementations for our web tools.
  • As ambassador, I have attended some events around my region, included FISL (for 3 years), the most famous event about Free Software in Brazil.
  • In the Brazilian FLP we have produced a localized spin for our users and it should be available at the FISL of this year (April, 17) already.

🔗 Future plans

  • Continue getting involved with the Fedora Localization Project to keep this great project as a reference for others translation projects.
  • Continue to maintain/configure our web tools and increase them.
  • Make the work of translators to be (more) easy, so we can take more translators involved.
  • Work on some Transifex enhancements/increments like i18n support, administration interface improvements and Ajax calls. I have been started working in some of those tasks already.

🔗 Dimitris Glezos (glezos)

🔗 Mission Statement

Continue working in establishing the Fedora Localization Project as a full-blown Fedora project with a solid technical infrastructure, clear goals, and democratic processes.

🔗 Past work summary

  • Very active in growing the Fedora Localization community and empowering it with responsibilities and big goals (ie. make FLP a true Fedora project)
  • Maintainer of the FLP infrastructure (stats, Transifex, bugzilla, etc)
  • Upstream developer & maintainer of Transifex
  • Initiated & led the move of Fedora projects from elvis to Fedora servers, the creation of formal Language teams, and other organizational changes
  • Member of the Fedora Documentation Steering Committee
  • Coordinator of the Greek Fedora Team (ambassadors, translations, etc)
  • Represented FLP in 7+ conferences, gave a presentation in 6 of them -- FOSDEM '07, Red Hat Summit '07, GUADEC '07 (talk), (talk), !OpenTranslation (session), FUDCon Raleigh 2008 (session), FOSDEM '08 (talk), (talk)
  • Initiated and designed Fedora's default browser homepage

🔗 Future plans

  • Continue walking the road we built of making FLP a model for a true collaborative, democratic, distributed and scalable Translation Project.
  • Lower the barrier for new translators (smooth the learning curve)
  • Increase the interaction of the FLP with other Fedora projects (art, testing, bug triaging, etc)
  • Continue extending our tools to increase the translation efficiency, quality, language coverage and the number of translatable resources
  • Get a web-based translation tool on air (eg. Pootle) that will complement our existing workflow, not replace it
  • Work with Release Engineering to produce localized spins

🔗 Fabian Affolter (fab)

🔗 Mission Statement

The Fedora Localization Project is a very good example how people from all over the world can collaborate. I want to sustain and boost those processes by providing help, clear structures, and good tools.

🔗 Past work summary

🔗 Future plans

  • Try to bring Ambassadors Project and L10n more together because Ambassadors are the local representatives around the world and they can help to recruit new translators
  • Stop filling bug against the FLP infrastructure and start solving them
  • Providing guidance to new German translator and strength the influence of the L10n inside Fedora Project. There are many other languages than English...
  • Start to work more close with the German GNOME translators to improve the quality our work

🔗 Igor Pires Soares (igor)

🔗 Mission Statement

Consolidate the Fedora Localization Project as an important and respectful part of the Fedora Project and help people to get and understand Fedora wherever they are.

🔗 Past work summary

  • Maintainer of Brazilian Portuguese language since 2006
  • GNOME Translator
  • Fedora Ambassador
  • Present at the 8th International Free Software Forum
  • Collaborate with articles about Fedora to magazines such Linux+
  • Columnist of Fedora Brazil Magazine

🔗 Future plans

  • Work closer with other upstream projects such GNOME and RPM.
  • Improve the workflow and the processes inside FLP.
  • Assure that translations made will be available in the distro for users.
  • Help on the creation of Fedora localized spins.

🔗 Marek Mahut (mmahut)

🔗 Mission Statement

  • Assist and help Fedora Translation project to achieves its primary mission: Make Fedora successful in as many languages as possible.

🔗 Past work summary

  • I'm involved in various Fedora sub-projects...
  • ... maintainer of Slovak language .
  • ... founder and maintainer of Fedora Astronomy SIG .
  • ... Fedora Ambassador
  • Participation in Fedora Free Media program.
  • Frequent participations at FOSDEM.
  • See the wiki page MarekMahut for my profile.

🔗 Future plans

  • Keep Fedora Translation Project running :)
  • Increase the number of translators by...
  • ... helping to develop consistent infrastructure.
  • ... good marketing of the Translation project, also via Fedora News.
  • Keep good relation-ship with Red Hat and investigate how we can help each-other.

🔗 Noriko Mizumoto (noriko)

🔗 Mission Statement

  • Raise Fedora Localization Project to become even bigger project, more people active, higher translating completion, healthier community, and robust one team as a localization community model, and make others envy :)

🔗 Past work summary

  • Active in Fedora Translation and Fedora Documentation projects since established in 2003
  • Maintainer of Fedora-trans-ja ML with 180+ registered Japanese translators
  • Continue supporting translators in MLs
  • Coordinator of the Japanese Translation Team
  • Regular member of FLP meeting
  • Maintainer of Translation Quick Start Guide (TQSG Post FC9 Update )
  • Made first major update of TQSG by introducing Transifex and gave major construction by segmenting into files per chapter
  • Stood up myself in this nomination to prove that any of us is capable of running FLSCo.

🔗 Future plans

  • Make FLSCo work for people
  • Eliminate any confusion from TQSG and accquire the status of FLP prime documentation
  • Improve communication channel to prepare future growing

🔗 Pablo Martin-Gomez (bouska)

🔗 Mission Statement

Improve the Fedora Language Project with an user friendly and ergonomic Transifex and by sharing the experience between local teams and respond consequently.

🔗 Past work summary

  • French translator since F8
  • I was present at the 2007 and 2008 edition of FOSDEM
  • I plan to become an ambassador

🔗 Future plans

  • Have the TQSG translated in the most languages as possible
  • Share the experience between the local translation teams in order to create an schema of organization for the teams
  • Improve Transifex ergonomics (resolve MrTom issues will be a good start)
  • Improve Transifex to enable little teams or punctual help to translate (big) .po files (Pootle will rox)
  • Be open !
  • Personally, participate more on #fedora-l10n chan (and be present to the meetings if possible)

🔗 Piotr Drąg (raven)

🔗 Mission Statement

Continue making FLP the biggest and the best Fedora sub-project by improving tools and making clear, right decisions.

🔗 Past work summary

  • Polish translation maintainer and primary translator since FC3
  • De facto maintainer of our statistics
  • Active in FLP, participating in meetings, reporting bugs (and closed several of them), etc.

🔗 Future plans

  • More regular participation
  • Don't stop translating everything that is translatable...
  • ...and finding new applications to add as many as possible of them to
  • Annoying glezos with tons of new bug reports against Transifex
  • Serve as an example of how ordinary translators can be in FLSCo ;)

🔗 Ville-Pekka Vainio (vpv)

🔗 Mission Statement

The Fedora L10N Project has been quite successful lately. Continue that success by getting even more translators and new languages on board and by developing our new tools and infrastructure even further. To borrow the motto from the Docs project, let's do "FOSS L10N the FOSS way".

🔗 Past work summary

  • Fedora user since FC2 and Finnish GUI & Docs translator since about FC6
  • One of the coordinators of Finnish Fedora translation
  • Some Finnish translation work for various Gnome and KDE sub-projects
  • Fedora packager since F-8
  • Summercode Finland 2007 project related to Fedora Docs

🔗 Future plans

  • Make it even easier for new people to join the project, help the project grow
  • Keep development of our tools and infrastructure active, introduce new tools to help our work. Let's make Fedora the best possible L10N project to be in!
  • There's still sometimes a bit of a gap between the L10N project and the developers/packagers. Help bridge that gap so that all our work goes into the distribution and into the packages instead of only sitting in a source code repository