From Fedora Project Wiki

USENIX’s LISA conference

Date and time

Full Conference: December 4-9, 2016

Expo: Dec 8-9, 2016 (Fedora is only attending expo)

Fedora will be co-hosting the table with Redhat like last year. Redhat has also made a Full Conference attendee pass which has yet to be claimed by a Redhat/ Fedora Contributor.


Sheraton Boston. Located at: 39 Dalton Street Boston, MA 02199


Team members show up throughout the evening of the 7th early morning of the 8th.

Man the booth for both expo days rotating demos for audiences.


Redhat has taken care of sponsorship and all members will receive expo / exhibitor badges / creds on arrival, likely from mattdm.

For non ambassador attendees a expo only ticket is $50, Early bird pricing ends Nov 10, 2016.


  • Showing Cockpit
  • Showing Fedora Spins


Event volunteers

  • Corey Sheldon
  • Matthew Miller
  • Mike DePaulo


  • At least 2 demo laptops planned, one from RH and the usual Fedora laptop.
  • Tech write papers, ambassador info possibly


Item Details Budget Actual
Travel for Corey Bus Fare $75
Travel for Mike Amtrak Fare $100
Shipping Banners / Event Box / Swag $200
Lodging for Mike / Corey Conference rate ($210+tax) x2 nights $500 (estimates $470)
Totals: $875

Transportation to and from the event

Arrivals and Departures

Chart for knowing when folks are arriving or departing, by plane, train, car, roller skates, or otherwise.

Who Arrive (Flight-Time) Departure (Flight-Time) Comments
linuxmodder 7th (late evening -bus) 9th (likely last to leave) Sharing room with mikedep33
mikedep33 Sharing room with linuxmodder
mattdm Local / commuting from home?
Local Contributor Put down a contact method times you are free to help out

  • BoF ? Possible topics: Cockpit, Openstack/Shift, Ansible
  • Room reservations: linuxmodder / mikedep33 to share room at venue
  • Volunteers?

If you are local (cover travel / lodging) and wanna help us staff booth / showcase Fedora, please reach out to Corey or Matt: or


  • volunteers
  • FAmNA ticket?
  • Arranging for swag, media

Blogs and reports