🔗 Concept Submissions
Sheep by Máirin Duffy CC-BY-SA 3.0 Sample image placeholder
Gaia Particles by Onyeibo Oku sketch showing path taken by suspended 'Life' particles
Jetlag by Jared Smith I'm awful at drawing, so I took a photo to represent my artwork idea. We could embellish the latch to make it match the "Lovelock" theme a bit more, and I'd obviously want the trunk to be blue instead of black. I think it would also be cool to put some stickers on the trunk, like you find from old luggage -- maybe of locations where we've held FUDCon lately?
Nightingale by Emily Dirsh Inspired by the Emperor and the Nightingale. Juxtaposes the systems created by man, and those created by nature, thus a nod to the Gaia hypothesis.
Steampunk wings by Emily Dirsh Wings or birds are symbols of love, and locks are gadgets, thus steambunk wings = love+lock. Right?