The Fedora Project has been participating in the Google Summer of Code program for 8 years (including 2013). After a successful GSoC 2013, we are now turning to participate in the Google Code In!
Why work with Fedora?
The Fedora Project is large and diverse. We are very experienced at working with new contributors and helping them become successful.
Many long-time contributors continue to be around, lending expertise and mentoring. People who stay around the community and do good work get noticed! Many Fedorans get hired for jobs, based on their contributions, including being hired by Red Hat. Past Google Summer of Code students have been hired by Red Hat, for both full time jobs and internships. This is just an example of how the experience and reputation you build with the Fedora community can influential your career.
Being a long-standing community with many facets, we invite you to find many rewarding sub-projects to work on, across many interesting domains.
You should note that contributing to FOSS doesn't require you to have super programming skills- it isn't rocket science. You just need to be curious and interested enough. Through experimentation and with some help from us, you'll find your way around problems and figure things out!
Following team is basically manage and operate the program, it is a little team with lot of support from mentors and other interesting community members.
- Buddhike Kurera(Bckurera) - Administrator
- Charindu - Backup-Admin
In order to clarify matters/ obtain more info related with the GCI 2013 with the Fedora Project please contact the administrators directly (please consider CCing the summer-coding list where ever possible).
Anyone who is interested towards this program can be joined as a mentor as long as you meet following requirements,
- should be willing to support students by providing required guidance and if required some knowledge to complete the task.
- should be able to support the students patiently, keeping mind that the students may not be professional and good in communication.
- should be willing to spend 5 hours a week with the program and at least willing to take the responsibility of one task.
Mentors for GCI 2013
- Please add your name if you would like to participate as a mentor with the program.
- Buddhike Kurera
- Nitin Agarwal
- Sarup Banskota
- Uditha Bandara Wijerathna
- Zuhao Wan
- Rabi Shanker Guha
- Malintha Adikari
- Nitesh Narayan Lal
Instructions to mentors
Since there is a high student participation we need to be ready with enough tasks, therefore each mentor suppose to have at least 25 tasks. Follow instructions below to submit your task list (25 tasks in any category).
Prepare a spreadsheet(Google drive would be good) with following columns and add 25 tasks in any category.
- Columns = Title, Description, Category, Hours to complete, Level (beginners, medium, advanced), Links
Add the link to your spreadsheet in this wiki below
Task from mentors
- Add your link here !!!
- Uditha Bandara Wijerathna - [1]
- Zuhao Wan - [2]
- Sarup Banskota - [3]
- Malintha Adikari - [4]
Hello Students, welcome to the Fedora Project. It is great to work with you over the GCI Program, however we looking for students,
- who are ready to learn ..
- who has the courage to accept challenges ...
- who is ready to explore new areas ....
Students are required to complete tasks which are published under following five categories;
- Code : Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
- Documentation/Training : Tasks related to creating/editing documents and helping others learn more
- Outreach/research : Tasks related to community management, outreach/marketing, or studying problems and recommending solutions
- Quality Assurance : Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality
- User Interface : Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction
Task Page
Find the task page for GCI 2013.
Mailing List (GSOC related) : https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/summer-coding
Mailing List (Technical) : http://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel
IRC : Channel - #fedora-devel or #fedora-summer-coding on Freenode
Time Line
Reference : http://www.google-melange.com/gci/events/google/gci2013
- November 1, 2013: Open Source Organizations are announced
- November 18, 2013, 9:00 AM Pacific Time / 17:00 UTC: Contest opens for entries by student participants
- January 5, 2014, 9:00 AM Pacific Time/ 17:00 UTC: No more tasks can be claimed after this time
- January 6, 2014, 9:00 AM Pacific Time / 17:00 UTC: All work stops, Contest ends
- January 13, 2014: Open Source Organizations submit their Grand Prize Winner nominees to Google Open Source Programs Office
- January 20, 2014: Google Open Source Programs Office announces the winners via blog post
Organization Application
Status : Under Preparation
Link : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GCI_2013_org_application