From Fedora Project Wiki
Time: 0500 UTC
Place: #fedora-meeting on Freenode
- FAS i18n-team updated to i-b@fp.o (tagoh)
- ongoing
- F13 (schedule)
- Documentation_I18n_Beat
- blocker and target bugs
- f13 and rawhide bugs
- dropping fontconfig lang binding="same" for f13 (tagoh)
- Splitting TC and SC
- F13 (schedule)
- Fonts
- Liberation Fonts contributed by SUN will be available soon.
- Input Methods
- ibus-table-{cangjie,cantonese,xingma,yinma,cyrillic,latin,tv,code} will become the 8 table packs. (kaio)
References: meetBot commands, I18N/Bugs, Releases/13, I18N#Tasks