🔗 Booth Setup for LinuxTag 2009
The booth has to be ready at Wednesday, June 24th at 09.00 (9am) because there will be a opening ceremony and most likely some VIP, local journalists, and TV stations will come for this and visit the fair ground.
Most people are arriving at Tuesday, June 23th. This day is set aside for setup of the booth, and a general meeting for Ambassadors as well as dinner. This means that the setup has to be done by 19.00 (7pm). By the way, there is no need for 25 people to get this done (5 to 7 are enough).
🔗 Meeting time and location for setup
- Meeting Location: In front of the LinuxTag entrance ("Service Center Halle 7")
- Date: 23.06.2009 (2009-06-23)
- Time: 14.00 Uhr (2pm)
- GeroldKassube will really appreciate when you arrive on time because he has to pass the necessary "setup-passport" to everyone.
🔗 Attendees for Setup
Name | at 2 pm | Other time | Comments |
FabianAffolter | X | - | |
GeroldKassube | X | - | |
ThomasWoerner | X | - | |
Robert Scheck | ? | ? | Once my plane arrives |
Sandro Mathys | X | - |
🔗 Layout
- Layout : http://www.linuxtag.org/2009/dl/projekte/Halle7.2b/198-50198--72b105a.pdf
- Space available: 12 sqm
🔗 Furniture
Messe Berlin will provide the furniture for the booth. At the moment we don't know what we will get.
The carpet will be anthracite.
🔗 What else do we need?
- Network cables (1x 25m, 2x 5m, 3x 3m)
- Switch (5-Port)
- Power cords (with German plug)
- 2 power cords with overload protection (Marco Ziesing)
- Power multiplier
- Beamer (from the Fedora Event Car inventory)