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Fedora CommOps Team Meeting Minutes 2017-03-07

Meeting Time


This week's CommOps Meeting will be led by jflory7.

  • The participants will be posted after the meeting.

Meeting Protocol

  • To help improve the flow of the meeting, using the IRC Meeting Protocol is encouraged, as modeled by the EMEA Ambassadors.
  • Please follow the Meeting Protocol where possible.


CommOpsers, update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.
  • #startmeeting Fedora CommOps (2017-03-07)
  • #meetingname commops
  • #nick commops
  • #chair <given to approved members of FAS group at meeting>

  • #topic Roll Call / Q&A
    • #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas
    • #action commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
    • If this is your first time at a CommOps meeting, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone and say hello! If anyone has any questions before we get started with the rest of the agenda, now is also a good time to ask.

  • #topic Action items from last meeting
    • #link
    • #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward.
    • #info === [INCOMPLETE] jwf Start thread on CommOps mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to store and host a "directory" or database of Fedora contributors actively involved with EDU efforts ===
      • #action jwf Start thread on CommOps mailing list (CC: bexelbie) on the best way to store and host a "directory" or database of Fedora contributors actively involved with EDU efforts
    • #info === [INCOMPLETE] jwf Follow up with schyken to confirm that the article is ready to be published / apply necessary edits as needed ===
      • #action jwf Reach out to schyken with suggestions about integrating with the Fedora community based on original article draft
    • #info === x3mboy Follow up with LATAM Ambassadors about if a CommBlog article suffices for reimbursement, update ticket #21 with feedback ===
    • #info === [INCOMPLETE] jwf Update ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and post-event reports ===
      • #action jwf Update ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and post-event reports
    • #info === [IN PROGRESS] jwf Make a thread/wiki page/ticket with regards to University Involvement Initiative discussion ===
      • #action jwf Make a thread/wiki page/ticket with regards to University Involvement Initiative discussion

  • #topic Tickets
    • #link
    • #info === Ticket #70: " FOSS Student Pack" ===
      • #link
      • What we should discuss first is what the goal or objective of this ticket is. While tangible, sponsored items would be nice to include, we should likely look inward a little more first and consider building the "Fedora Student Pack" with resources within our own community that would be helpful to provide for students to get involved with Fedora and the community (calling this "layer 1"). Once layer 1 is established, we can build and support on top of this with "layer 2", which could include financial support from outside organizations. But before doing that, we should look at (1) who it's designed for, (2) what the impact of doing it would be, and lastly (3) what the first layer looks like.

  • #topic Open Floor

Meeting summary and action items

Full meeting log

Next Meeting