From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Roll call
Max Spevack, Harish Pillay
🔗 Notes
- Budget for APJ & India -- Max needs to email Sankarshan and Harish
- What's the Fedora Cumulus status? Max to email mmcgrath and copy list.
- APJ Fedora 11 marketing -- Max to email w/ dng and Harish.
Agenda moved to next week, due to lack of attendance.
🔗 Agenda
Manager stuff
- Compass
- Compliance training
- Expense reports
Linux Foundation Summit brainstorming w/ Karsten
Status updates
- Dashboard/Project Building
- ISVs
- Marketing
- Beta release readiness
- Spacewalk/Genome
🔗 Deliverables
🔗 Max
- Template for interaction w/ RH projects
New set of deliverables & milestones for EKG.CLT trip report- Compass self evaluation.
🔗 Jack
- Fedora Marketing update, based on the Marketing schedule
Get Adam Miller on Planet.- Compass self evaluation.
🔗 Karsten
- Cookbook, based on schedule and feedback.
- Flesh out ISV contact list
- Start planning NECC -- March 17 FAMNA meeting?
- Compass self evaluation.
🔗 Greg
POSSE plan on wiki w/ April 1 deadline for scope & budget.Thoughts from Genome demo to c-a-l.Compass self evaluation.osie-listosie-list subscribers to Chris Tyler.Decommission osie-list.