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Deliver an appliance to an ElasticHost API compatible cloud provider


Cloud account required
You need an ElasticHosts, Open Hosting, SKALI Cloud or Serverlove account to perform this Test Case
  1. Launch the JEOS AMI built in the AMI test case: QA:TestCase_boxgrinder_deliver_ami, or any other Fedora 15 AMI.
  2. Put the following BoxGrinder config into a file named: /root/.boxgrinder/config. Insert appropriate values, see:, for more information.
    endpoint:              # required
    username: your-user-id                            # required
    password: your-secret-access-key                  # required
    chunk: 128                                        # default: 64 (in MB)
    wait: 30                                          # default: 5 (in s)
    retry: 2                                          # default: 3
    ssl: true                                         # default: false
BoxGrinder Build config file location
The default location for this file is /root/.boxgrinder/config. You can put this file in different location by specifying BG_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

How to test

  1. Execute
    boxgrinder-build testing-appliances/jeos-appls/fedora-14-jeos.appl -d elastichosts --trace
  2. Run an instance of the VM through your cloud providers tools, log on via SSH
  3. Run the following Test Case in the VM: QA:Network_basic_test_case

Expected Results

The following must be true to consider this a successful test run.

  1. Step #1 completes without error (indicated on console)
  2. Program completes with exit code 0
  3. The new image has appeared in your cloud provider's management system
  4. Step #2 completes without error
  5. QA:Network_basic_test_case is performed successfully on the new appliance