- You can follow others opinion in FedoraForum.org http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?p=1599949#post1599949 post, or AskFedora http://ask.fedoraproject.org/question/2372/suggestions-for-improve-fedora-project post, too.
๐ Control panel
One of the things that we need not only for people who already have experience, but also for the new users is create a Control Panel for system-config-* tools.
This will allow a better job for those who want to manage the system in a more comfortable and knowing the existence of these programs, many do not know that are available and are very good utility.
Currently we have the example of YaST in openSUSE, however there are many applications, from the control panel of GNOME or KDE can gestate some configurations that do not need on YaST. However, if you are using a windows manager or others environment that you haven't got control panel, some devices or some options (as not control panel included or built) maybe you will need YasT.
[Arnavk007] ROSA linux also has a control panel. I feel we do need a control panel.
๐ Tool to disable SELinux (system-config-*)
For many of us, SELinux is a small charge if we want execute some commands that SELinux consider dangerous and are not. A particular case is to use programs with Wine, which are official and often generate those annoying security alerts. [Luchogulix] In personal environments, not geared to provide services abroad, it is also a burden because it forces the user to intricate or redundant procedures eg install a new printer or run a console emulator.
The thing is not to remove the implementation, because it is very good, but not carry introduce It into extremes. I think if we would like a small tool to help us configure it. With simple graphical SELinux settings, if only it shows the /etc/selinux/config values to change it. (disable, targeted...)
[devspain] Whats wrong with "#yum install policycoreutils-gui" ?
๐ Multilingual support in Fedora (system and boot)
Years ago I think, in which you run a LiveCD of Fedora and only have American English as the only language test or default. I think, and it seems fair that we are a multicultural community with a wealth of languages โโand dialects, and that, therefore, I think it is only fair that we consider change it. Introducing GRUB2 multilingual support or another idea to can run another language that are not american english.
[Luchogulix] as Debian Distributions able to implement a variety of languages โโwithout much trouble in their boot disks and installation. It is not necessary to implement a tremendous variety of dialects and languages โโwith subdialects, at least basic recognition of the major languages โโin the beginning is usually sufficient to cover a large user base.
[Arnavk007] ROSA linux or maybe every mandriva based distro asks you about your language, keyboard and time when you boot up the live cd. I feel we should have this too. [nix\] Mageia for example, since the first step pressing F2 and selecting the language, all installation steps are in the selected language, buttons, etc, in addition, kde language too (is automatically installed from the network or CD according with the selected language).
๐ K3B Setup
This K3B's "add-on", can be of great help. I think many times the burnings fails and I think it's a permissions issue that's own DVD / CD or program. eg openSUSE brings integrated with the KDE desktop This small interface that defines that group can use this program as well as the dependencies permissions dvd + rw-tools, cdrecord, cdrdao ...
[Luchogulix] more than the amount of bugs I think what matters is that most of these occur when the disc preparation process has already begun for what "cost" to the user a lost disk, work on detecting these possible before errors is key.
๐ Gparted on LiveCD
Gparted or any partition manager is crucial for new users or not so novice, and I [NetSys] firmly believe that this tool should be integrated into all LiveCD with the following programs: jfsutils, hfsutils, xfsprogs, ntfsprogs, btrfs-progs, dosfstools, reiserfs-utils.
[Arnavk007] The disk management tool does all this atleast on the gnome spin. I have observed that gparted is the only alternative on the xfce spin and it does not work as well as the disk management too. I agree that all these tools should be there on the live cd along with testdisk so that people are able to recover their systems easily.
๐ Spins program utilities, Fedora
Improving the tools system-config-kickstart allowing add more repositories such as repositories outside of the Fedora Project to ensure dual-user freedom, rescue Revisor tool which are still available for RHEL, CentOS, ScientificLinux ... that let you do your own small Fedora distro, but this you can add your own repositories and more. [Arnavk007] I agree.
๐ Apper problems
Like all or most know, Apper is the KDE's package manager where we can managing packages and more. However, It has got only problem to solve. Apper does not show discharge rate of packets, only you see "downloading packages" is always 10% and it is uncertain if it works, if you download or not ... et
NOTE: on openSUSE passed too, with release official and new KDE versions.
๐ GNOME Shell on Fedora
I'm aware of what happens to the Gnome project, is still somewhat disastrous. First, cutting off so dear GNOME 2 development. Second, tablet-like appearance that gave to version 3. Third, by the few tools graphs to change the desktop appearance certainly. Fourth, by pretending that people understand languages โโsuch as PHP, CSS ... to customize your own appearance. Fifth at having to wait out an external tool and not included in order to modify our Gnome interface ... and stop because new developments do not much likes in the Linux community as the dependency of GNOME Shell now, remarkable even within the Nautilus ...
Therefore, I would like, be included in Fedora Desktop release: GNOME Shell and GNOME Tweak Tool, on LiveCD and the DVD installer. To avoid problems, complaints, suggestions, or search the Internet to improve all our desktop even a little.
I think [Luchogulix] that for a boot environment or rescue such as the LiveCD or DVD installation file default Gnome Shell is an invitation to disaster. They are talking to breakfast cases of people who can not start a LiveCD, or find out how, because Gnome Shell does not support graphics cards or chips, leaving these people without much better option than a setting of text mode installation if it is available. And this not only in Fedora but in other distros. Instead, we have desktop environments that are lightweight, fully functional and essentially familiar or recognizable to potential users. A great example is Xfce can be simply described as "Gnome done well" (and much more now with what he says NetSys), or LXDE is also a great choice for basic systems. Any of these desktop environments is more suitable in a display and user input such as a LiveCD, and I think like Debian has made โโthe right choice by offering their default XFCE instead of Gnome facilities.
[Arnavk007] Gnome tweak tool is a necessity. I personally like the gnome shell so it should be there as the default shell. However, we can create two images, one with gnome as the default and other with lxde as the default. lxde can be made to look like this.
๐ Kernel profiles
I've [netSys] noticed that the default kernel and Fedora is still using a kernel that is not real-time or at least has not been included PREEMPT (low latency) in its kernel. In desktop environments, have told me that responds much faster than without them, but that can cause servers perhaps deficiencies. Perhaps we can agree, for example, openSUSE has different kernels for different uses, for example, you can have -desktop,-server,-xen ... and each contains different types of options, supports ...et, Recall that with Kolivas generates a series of patches that optimize performance kernel for desktop environments. Can this be good enough for Fedora?
[arnavkoo7] we should test different kernels.
[pycrash] I would love to have a simple tool to choose between diferent CPUfreq Governors. (not sure if is the right place to discuss it here)
๐ Mobile platform
Thanks to Android devices and social networks, we, the ambassadors, we can inform and promote the development of Fedora. Why have not a small application for Android and other smartphone OS to have centralized our social profiles, or at least that we show all events, as well as Fedora package review (RSS) or security vulnerabilities, generator fast download links from any Fedora's versions, or connect to the FAS in a jiffy for any change in the account, edit Wiki...et
[arnavk007]Most probably, this would be a wastage of resources.
๐ Documentation, guides, volumes...et
I do not know, but, I [netSys] have searched on Internet a lot in order to have a summary or an idea about the Fedora Project, and this is a little apart from desperate, and also lack of documentation or the project has not registered. if good, many may say, if you find, what you add and ready, and if you can, do it! Add it!, but it is painful, at least for me, has been to look at pages external to the project for collect information x, if is possible on spanish.
However, I raise a number of full pages, in which were say, What first implementations of Fedora that differentiated or different from other GNU / Linux distributions? eg, Fedora's presence in other operating systems like * BSD compatibility ...
[Arnavk007] Documentation should be improved. I feel that we should make a guide for file sharing with windows and macsas there is no guide available for this purpose.
๐ Mobile Web Portal adapted
Basically, adapt start.fedoraproject.org as default page or adapt Planet Fedora for smartphones or phones and facilitate reading.
๐ See all downloads
[NetSys] Change all methods for download Fedora page, to, default Fedora downloads page. So all can get Fedora on all methods.
[Luchogulix] I've noticed that torrents are curiously hard to find, being only a Google search or the like the most direct way, given that torrent should be the path of choice to download Fedora "from" the server.
๐ Promote Koji (OBS)
Koji is a OBS able to compile and package many packages in no time, this should be publicized to all those who packaged for Fedora or want to contribute their grain of sand.
[cicku]We may cannot control this.Also they can use fedorapeople.
๐ Announce SUGAR
Fedora is also made for children, and what better than to announce it to parents as a result of free use and distribution for most kids can really learn to operate a computer for educational purposes. Sugar has physical simulator, editor text, periodic table, browser, parental filter ... and many things that can be used to secure free education. Plus it only requires a USB or USB key to perform the work, that is, you do not need to buy a laptop or desktop computer in case of its son hasn't got PC.
๐ Video of Fedora (Marketing)
Linux is not being well known as it is due to lack of marketing, we only see those horrible ads from Intel and Microsoft, or Mac, and that the latter generates such psychological impacts that the consumer has not to eat, and spend money it in buying these products. Well perhaps we should we take advantage of that, but in a more healthy and we can all benefit. And how not to know us better than with a promotional video about our project and distro? We have a team of graphic design, why not? I guess that time, but hey if albeit slowly brings can reach the goal.
๐ Opinons Welcome
Tip: All opinions are welcome, all are welcome.
--netSys-- (talk) 00:20, 24 August 2012 (UTC)
--Luchogulix (talk) 17:05, 26 August 2012 (UTC) (Contribuciones)
--Arnav 9:30, 30 August 2012 (IST)
--Cicku (talk) 04:39, 30 August 2012 (UTC)
Thanks Google Translate.