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Revision as of 21:06, 12 January 2010 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (Typo)


In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1], as the QA group and the Fedora project in general awaken from its holiday slumber!

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

Test Days

There was no Test Day last week, and no Test Day is currently planned for this week. If you would like to propose a main track Test Day for the Fedora 13 cycle, please contact the QA team via email or IRC, or file a ticket in QA Trac[1].

Weekly meetings

The QA group weekly meeting[1] was held on 2010-01-04. The full logs are available[2]. James Laska reported that had finished his list of recommendations based on the Fedora 12 retrospective, and it was available on the wiki[3].

Adam Williamson gave an update on the privilege escalation policy topic. He had escalated the issue to FESCo with a trac ticket[4]. FESCo had not yet discussed the topic at a meeting or responded to the ticket.

James Laska reported that he, Adam Williamson, Liam Li, and Rui He had attended a sprint meeting the previous week to work on open tickets for improving Fedora 13 test plans. He referenced the list of tickets which still remained open[5]. He also noted that he and Adam would be working on kicking off the Fedora 13 test day process soon. Jóhann Guðmundsson said he would be looking at the possibility of an LXDE test day, and Adam Miller said he would work on a proposal for the XFCE test day.

The group then discussed the list of recommendations[6] James Laska had developed based on the feedback received from the Fedora 12 cycle. Adam Williamson volunteered to work with Rui He on adding installation testing to the wiki list of QA project activities. Jóhann Guðmundsson said he would look through the Fedora 13 feature list and see if useful debugging guides could be written for any of the new features, similar to the page he wrote for Dracut[7] in the Fedora 12 cycle. Adam was in the middle of creating a desktop validation test plan (for confirming that releases meet the desktop release criteria). On the topic of creating an test plan, Adam felt that a test plan was unnecessary as the question of what to test for was a simple one, while all the complexity lay in getting enough testing done on a wide enough range of hardware. James, Will and Kamil Paral were working on the packaging necessary for the deployment of the project. Will and Kamil were working on an initial implementation of automated package sanity testing. Liam Li and Rui He were working on automating as many of the installation validation tests as possible. James noted that he planned to bring the installation testing SOP[8] and blocker bug meeting SOP[9] out of draft status. He also suggested having an SOP to determine whether to document issues as common bugs, release notes, install guide items or in other ways.

The Bugzappers group weekly meeting[10] was held on 2010-01-05. The full log is available[11]. The group discussed Hamidou Dia's proposal to document the procedure for determining assignees for components where the correct assignee is not defined in Bugzilla's database. After much discussion, the group tentatively concluded that in cases where the choice of assignee is straightforward this should be fixed in Bugzilla's database, and in cases where it is not straightforward, the components wiki page is not well-suited to explaining the procedure.

Chris Campbell had suggested that the wiki page on capturing stack traces[12] should be updated further to reflect the capabilities of abrt, which was introduced in Fedora 12. The group agreed that this was a good idea and agreed that Adam Williamson should contact Chris and ask him to make his proposed changes.

Chris Campbell had also proposed an agenda item about the handling by Bugzilla of bugs with many duplicates, but no-one present at the meeting was sure exactly what the issue was. The group agreed to table the item until Chris could explain the issue more clearly.

Juan P. Daza noted that the wiki's list of active triagers[13] may be somewhat out of date, missing some new triagers and listing some who have become inactive. The group agreed that Juan could work on contacting apparently inactive triagers and proposing an update to the list.

Improved preupgrade test case

Rui He announced[1] that she had created a new test case for preupgrade[2] to better reflect the commonly-encountered real-world situation where multiple kernels are installed on the system to be upgraded, resulting in low space in the /boot partition. This test case should mean problems in this scenario, as encountered by many Fedora 11 users when trying to upgrade to Fedora 12, will be caught earlier in the testing process. Rui He asked for the group's help in reviewing the new test case.

Translation checking collaboration with localization team

Noriko Mizumoto informed the group[1] of the localization team's plan to do periodic checks of its translations in a 'real-world' situation, by testing a current Rawhide live image and checking for translation problems. She asked the QA team to assist by providing the live images for testing. Adam Williamson thanked her for co-ordinating with the QA team, and pointed out[2] that the already available nightly live images[3] should be suitable for testing. He also suggested that QA team members with knowledge of languages other than English could help in the translation checking process.

Desktop validation test cases

Adam Williamson announced[1] that he had completed an initial set of desktop validation test cases[2] to be used in checking if Fedora releases and pre-releases meet the appropriate desktop release criteria. He welcomed the group's help in reviewing these test cases.