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In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1].

Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson

Test Days

There was no Test Day last week, and no Test Day is currently planned for this week. If you would like to propose a main track Test Day for the Fedora 13 cycle, please contact the QA team via email or IRC, or file a ticket in QA Trac[1].

Weekly meetings

As the QA beat was unfortunately not present for Fedora Weekly News #205, we will cover two weeks' worth of events below.

A QA group weekly meeting[1] was held on 2009-11-30. No meeting was held on 2009-12-07 due to many group members being absent at FUDCon or elsewhere. The full log of the 2009-11-30 meeting is available[2]. Adam Williamson reported that he had started a development mailing list conversation regarding the proposed privilege escalation policy[3].

James Laska thanked the group for their feedback on John Poelstra's plan to improve the release criteria[4], and asked for comments on the planned next steps. John said he was planning to work in all the received feedback, send a revised draft of the page to the mailing list for comment, and do the final touches in a hackfest at the upcoming FUDCon. Adam Williamson volunteered to write a proposed paragraph to cover subjective judgment of configuration-dependent problems.

Adam Williamson gave a more detailed update on the privilege escalation policy topic. He said the development mailing list discussion had generated some useful points and potential issues that should be dealt with by any policy, but no clear road forward. With some help from Kevin Fenzi, a plan was made for Adam to escalate the issue for consideration by FESco with reference to the previous discussion, and possibly a proposed policy created with the help of the security team.

James Laska gave an update on the Fedora 12 QA retrospective. He thanked the group for their feedback, and outlined his plans. He intends to organize the feedback into topic groups to try and identify trends, and then discuss what can be improved for the Fedora 13 cycle based on that feedback.

Will Woods and Kamil Paral reported on the progress of the AutoQA project. Kamil had written some patches intended to make test development easier, providing --help and --dry-run parameters for each watcher. He now plans to document these improvements in the wiki once they are accepted. He had also worked on integrating rpmguard into AutoQA. Will had added --local and --dry-run parameters to the test harness so that tests can be run locally by developers. He had fixed various watchers to run tests only once when repositories are changed or builds are run, even if multiple architectures are changed. He was planning to write some notes on AutoQA for Fedora developrs for use at the upcoming FUDCon, and help Kamil with rpmguard integration. James Laska reported that packaging of the israwhidebroken code was now complete, with help from Toshio Kuratomi.

Adam Williamson proposed that Glögg[5] be adopted as the official QA team drink. Jesse Keating suggested magic hobo gravy[6] as an alternative. No clear consensus was reached on the issue.

A Bugzappers group weekly meeting[7] was held on 2009-12-01. No meeting was held on 2009-12-08 due to many members being absent. The full log of the 2009-12-01 meeting is available[8]. Richard June noted that updating the components and triagers page[9] had been left with Edward Kirk, who was not present to report on it. Adam Williamson encouraged all group members to make sure they were listed on the page next to the correct components.

Adam Williamson started a discussion on the topic of anaconda triage. He explained that the anaconda team could benefit from having a triage volunteer, as Andy Lindeberg was no longer working on anaconda triage. This would take a significant amount of time and require knowledge of anaconda, but the anaconda team was prepared to help train volunteers. Richard June volunteered to send a mail to the mailing list with details of the requirements, to ask for volunteers.

Adam Williamson took another look at the triage metrics situation. No-one had heard from Brennan Ashton lately, but Adam would try to check in with him at the upcoming FUDCon event. Adam also pointed out the fairly new statistics system within Bugzilla[10] as a possibility for the group to explore.

Matej Cepl reported that he had completed the agreed plan to add the Triaged keyword to all ASSIGNED bugs in Fedora 10 through 12.

The next QA weekly meeting may be held on 2009-11-07 at 1600 UTC in #fedora-meeting, although several group members are at FUDCon during that time and may not be able to attend. The next Bugzappers weekly meeting will be held on 2009-12-08 at 1500 UTC in #fedora-meeting.

FUDCon Toronto

The QA and BugZappers groups were both well represented at FUDCon Toronto[1]. James Laska, Will Woods, Adam Williamson, John Poelstra, Steven M. Parrish, Brennan Ashton (comphappy) all attended, and a brand new BugZapper - Patrick Ian - was welcomed during the event. Steven, Will and Adam all gave talks: Steven[2] on effective bug reporting, Will[3] on AutoQA, and Adam[4] on getting involved with QA and BugZappers. Several group members also posted write-ups of the event: John[5], Steven[6], and Adam[7].

BugZappers triaged bugs policy change

Adam Williamson announced[8] a small modification to the recently-implemented triaged bug policy change. To make searching easier, triagers should now add the Triaged keyword to all Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 bugs when they have been triaged, as well as marking them as ASSIGNED.

Release criteria revision

John Poelstra posted a final request[1] for feedback on the proposed new release criteria[2], noting that the pages would be finalized and made active at the upcoming FUDCon Toronto. At FUDCon, a group including John, James Laska, Adam Williamson, Bill Nottingham and Tim Burke revised the pages including all feedback provided from the list, and then made further revisions based on feedback by the anaconda and desktop teams. Adam announced the changes to the list[3]. Some further changes were then made based on suggestions from A. Mani[4] and others.

Bugzilla 3.4 public beta

James Laska passed on an announcement[1] from Red Hat's Bugzilla team that a public beta of Bugzilla 3.4 for the Red Hat Bugzilla instance (which Fedora shares) is now available[2]. Later, James passed on the announcement for the second beta[3].

Fedora 13 schedule

John Poelstra provided[1] a draft schedule of QA tasks for the Fedora 13 release. He later provided an updated schedule[2] based on discussion at FUDCon Toronto. James Laska requested[3] an extra pre-alpha acceptance milestone on 2009-01-21.

Fedora 13 Alpha release notes

Rahul Sundaram posted[1] a preliminary draft of the Fedora 13 Alpha release notes for comment and discussion.