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Revision as of 07:27, 28 February 2011 by Mba (talk | contribs)


Anastasios Stasinopoulos
[[Image:{{{image}}}|none|none|Anastasios Stasinopoulos]]
Personal Information
Birthday: {{{birthday}}}
Birthplace: {{{birthplace}}}
Home: Athens, Greece
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: anast
Miscellaneous Information
private Mail: {{{pmail}}}
GPG-Key: {{{gpg}}}
Homepage: {{{homepage}}}
Twitter: {{{twitter}}} {{{}}}
Jabber: {{{jabber}}}
IRC: anast on Freenode in
  • #fedora-el
  • #fedora
  • #fedora-ambassadors

G’day everyone. My name is Henry and I’m from LT where I am working in IT projects (currently within EU structural funds). I’ve been working in gov and private sectors and got a pretty decent perspective of how IT related decisions are made while designing organization’s IT infrastructure. Since RHEL is one of the first words you’d hear from CEO or dept. head, thus I’ve decided that having better knowledge about this trend is a great advantage for further career. My goal is to obtain RHCE certificate, therefore I participate in this RH project.

Besides technical decisions part of my work requires to deal with organizations that participate in public procurement competitions. If some of my knowledge and experience could help spread Fedora within this region I would be honored.


IRC and Instant Messaging

  • Freenode: #fedora-devel, #fedora-de and #rpm channels with nickname rsc
  • IRCnet:,, and #linuxger channels with nickname rsc_
  • Jabber: rsc AT jabber DOT org

Area of Interest

I've got an own 1U rack server housed in Frankfurt/Germany, which is my "remote desktop", working and development system. So there are an Apache web server (httpd), FTP server (vsftpd), OpenSSH (sshd), mail services (Sendmail, MIMEDefang & UW IMAP), Network Time Protocol synchronisation (ntpd) and SELinux, too.

As the machine is a HP ProLiant DL360 G3 server, lm_sensors unfortunately doesn't support (yet?) the used ServerWorks GC-LE chipset, which is the reason, that I've got to merge and integrate needed things myself from the closed source HP Advanced Server Management. But there's still hope for me, because a working patch supporting HP SmartArrays in smartmontools was finished in April 2006 - finally after a very long time.

For monitoring the system, I'm using HotSaNIC. It is completely written in Perl and I wrote an own module to get the temperature and fan information from the non-standardized HP software. Another important point (or interest) is SELinux which had to be modified in the past a couple of times for example to support the very useful pam_abl.

The textbased e-mail client mutt(1), an IRC to other chat networks gateway called BitlBee together with the terminal based IRC client Irssi and screen(1) are completely fulfilling my need of "remote desktop" as already mentioned above. It's enough for me to read or write an e-mail (or even an instant message) from everywhere in the world and just requiring a SSH client at a computer...

Fedora Events and Fedora Ambassador

Open Source Projects

  • rpm2python - Web-based tool similar to rpm2html
  • mod_auth_useragent2 - Unsafe authentication using the User-Agent
  • ntpdate - Small replacement for the ISC NTP ntpdate
  • sip-redirect - Tiny IPv4 and IPv6 SIP redirect server
  • mod_log_post - Module to log all HTTP POST messages
  • x509watch - Simple tool to list expiring or expired X.509 certificates
  • elem - Periodic table of the elements
  • rpm5 - The RPM Package Manager
  • jwhois - Jonas' Internet whois and nicname client

Fedora and EPEL Packages

I'm maintaining this package at the corresponding branch
I'm co-maintaining this package at the corresponding branch
This package is under review and will be imported to this branch
Package can't be imported to this branch for different reasons

Please notice, that only active branches are listed below. The Fedora Package Database also contains the inactive and retired branches, which are out of date. For the packages, I'm maintaining in RPM Fusion, please have a look to my wiki page there.

Package Description EL-4 EL-5 EL-6 F-13 F-14 devel
php-idn PHP API for GNU LibIDN
php-magickwand PHP API for Image Magick
tcpick TCP stream sniffer, tracker and capturer
eggdrop World's most popular Open Source IRC bot
perl-Net-LibIDN Perl bindings for GNU LibIDN
mimedefang E-Mail filtering framework using Sendmail's Milter interface
librsync Rsync libraries
bitlbee IRC to other chat networks gateway
duplicity Untrusted/encrypted backup using rsync algorithm
libopm Blitzed open proxy monitor library
digitemp Dallas Semiconductor 1-wire device reading console application
mksh MirBSD enhanced version of the Korn Shell
popt C library for parsing command line parameters
beldi Belug Linux Distribution Burner
perl-Razor-Agent Use a Razor catalogue server to filter spam messages
lzop Real-time file compressor
arj Archiver for .arj files
nomarch GPLed Arc de-archiver
freeze Freeze/melt/fcat compression utilities
perl-Convert-UUlib Perl interface to the uulib library
iftop Command line tool that displays bandwidth usage on an interface
pexpect Pure Python Expect-like module
python-GnuPGInterface A Python module to interface with GnuPG
python-boto A simple lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services
phpMyAdmin Web based MySQL browser written in PHP
libnids Implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System
dsniff Tools for network auditing and penetration testing
gkrellm-top GKrellM plugin which shows 3 most CPU intensive processes
perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI Speed up perl scripts by running them persistently
ddclient Client to update dynamic DNS host entries
perl-ccom Perl module for context-sensitive phonetic string replacement
beecrypt An open source cryptography library
bind-libbind Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) libbind resolver libraries
sip-redirect Tiny IPv4 and IPv6 SIP redirect server written in Perl
ucview Image and video capture application using unicap toolkit
gnokii Linux/Unix tool suite for various mobile phones
erlang-pgsql Erlang PostgreSQL interface
calamaris Squid native log format (NLF) analyzer and report generator
libnet C library for portable packet creation and injection
libnet10 High-level API (toolkit) to construct and inject network packets
perl-Socket6 IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
moon-buggy Drive and jump with some kind of car across the moon
ethtool Ethernet settings tool for PCI ethernet cards
libisofs Library to create ISO 9660 disk images
jwhois Internet whois/nicname client
sing Sends fully customized ICMP packets from command line
zarafa Zarafa Outlook Sharing and Open Source Collaboration
libical Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and serialization format
giflib Library for manipulating GIF format image files
drbdlinks A program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition
rubygem-mongrel_cluster GemPlugin wrapper for the mongrel HTTP server
mod_log_post Module for the Apache web server to log all HTTP POST messages
apachetop A top-like display of Apache logs
perl-Crypt-GPG Perl Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG
ruby-RMagick Graphics Processing for Ruby and Ruby on Rails
rubygem-fastercsv Faster, smaller and cleaner replacement to standard CSV library
perl-DateTime-Format-Excel Convert between DateTime and Excel dates
libvmime07 A powerful C++ class library for working with MIME/Internet messages
unicornscan Scalable, accurate, flexible and efficient network probing
ssldump An SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
libunicap Library to access different kinds of (video) capture devices
libucil Library to render text and graphic overlays onto video images
libunicapgtk Library to build graphical widgets for the unicap library
tclreadline GNU Readline extension for Tcl/Tk
x509watch Simple tool to list expiring or expired X.509 certificates
open-sendmail Additional m4 files used to generate
php-pear-CodeGen Framework to create code generators that operate on XML descriptions
php-pear-CodeGen-PECL Tool to generate PECL extensions from an XML description
zarafa-webaccess-smime Zarafa Webaccess plugin for S/MIME support
t1utils Collection of Type 1 and 2 font manipulation utilities
barcode Generates barcodes from text strings