From Fedora Project Wiki
The Autumn 2017 Elections were cancelled

The following elections take place from October 2017 to December 2017:

More information about FESCo on FESCo wiki page.

FESCo Elections Autumn 2017

As per the FESCo election policy, the following FESCo members finish their terms, and the seats are up for re-election:

For the last election, see Nominations August 2017

Eligible Voters
Voting eligibility is determined by a community member's Fedora Account System (FAS) memberships.
To vote for FESCo you must have cla_done + one other "non-cla" group in FAS.
Community Blog Interview
A set of questions for candidates has been prepared as Questionnaire. Answers to these questions will be published in Community Blog, at the first day of the "Voting" period. All the candidates needs to prepare the Community Blog article using the following template: FESCo interview template. Nominees not having their interview ready by end of the Nomination & Campaign period will be disqualified from their nominations.

Candidate Nominations

Please nominate just by Name, IRC nick and FAS account ID.

You may self-nominate. If you wish to nominate someone else, please consult with that person ahead of time.