From Fedora Project Wiki
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It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.

This list of frequently asked questions and their corresponding answers helps Fedora Ambassadors answer some of the difficult questions they may face. For general Fedora-related questions, see the top-level FAQ.

Feel free to extend the list of questions, or to improve the existing answers!

I have just joined

Help me, it is so confusing

Relax. Given the size of the project, it may require a few months to be thoroughly familiar with the Fedora Project. Here are a few suggestions
  • Take small steps.
  • Read the mailing lists.
  • Join the IRC channel #fedora-ambassadors
  • Read the reports, make new friends within the projects.
  • Talk to your mentor, regional leaders or any FAmSCo member.
  • Think ahead and start working on the areas that you think can be improved.
  • Join team meetings
  • Remember, it is going to take time to become a pro.

Do we have team meetings? When is the next one?

  • The scheduled regional meetings are here. Mail the respective leaders for more details.
  • The FAmSCo meetings are held at 13:00 UTC on every Saturday.

What is FAmSCo?

What are the best behaviours expected from me?

Look at this page.

I want a general overview of the Fedora Project, where should I go?

See the top-level FAQ.

How do I spread the word about Fedora?

There are a lot of ways to spread the word about Fedora.

  • Organize install fests and encourage users to use Fedora and Linux in general.
  • Organize workshops. Tell people how Fedora can perform daily work from basic text editing to handling a busy server.
  • Collaborate with a local Linux User Group, or start one if your locality doesn't have one.
  • If possible, build a local repository and distribute installation media.

These are some of the basic ideas. You are welcome to add to it.

How am I officially recognised?

You may be recognised by your business card, your wikipage, or your FAS account. Fedora Project generally does not provide any "official" document describing the work you do. However, if you need any document for any special purpose, contact any FAmSCo member.

Where can I get a business card for identification purposes?

To create a Fedora Business card, please follow the information at Ambassadors/BusinessCards. These allow you to be officially recognized.

Do you provide any official participation certificate?


What are the benefits that I am entitled to receive as an Ambassador?

You will receive no personal benefit.

  • However, for your work as an ambassador, you can ask for anything that you may need. The regional leaders will consider carefully and either approve or deny your request.
  • You can get monies for organising events.
  • You can get swags that the regions produce.

Where can I find my fellow ambassadors?

You can find fellow ambassadors here. On in #fedora-ambassadors.

How do I meet my fellow ambassadors in person?

Look out for any event in your region. Feel free to contact the organising team, they will welcome you. Fedora often considers providing support for your travel.

I want to do some programming/artwork/documentation

Sure. Either mail any FAmSCo member or have a look at

I want to organise/participate in an event

What is a Fedora Event?

Fedora events are held all over the world. They are a good way of getting together contributors that does not see each other frequently, gatherer new contributors and develop new features and strategies for Fedora. Fedora events can be standalone or held together with other events such Linux Tag or FISL, for instance. The Fedora Project has been represented by its ambassadors in major FLOSS events around the world as well as organizing and hosting our own events.

What is a Release Party?

A release party is a party that a fedora user holds to celebrate the latest version of fedora arriving.

I heard the terms FAD and FUDCon, what do they mean?

FAD is Fedora Activities Day a regional event (either one-day or a multi-day) that allows Fedora contributors to gather together in order to work on specific tasks related to the Fedora Project.

FUDCon is a Fedora Users and Developers Conference. It takes place in different regions of the world where we organize a big set of talks, hackfests and barcamps. This is Fedora's main event and it is free to attend and participate.

How do I participate in a FAD/ FUDCon

See the links above.

Is there any event scheduled in my area? How do I participate?

The Fedora Project has events scheduled all over the world. You can see a list of past and future events here

Is there any help with organizing an event?

The Event Organizers' Resources page contains a lot of useful information about organizing an event. If you want to give some presentations, do check out this page. You can find some interesting flyers here. If you have any further question, write to the mailing list. Often there are other Ambassadors in your area ask them to help you and organize the participation at the event together. This way it's more fun and less work. And don't forget to list your event at Events page.

Do I need to write report of my event?

Yes! It is highly recommended to write a report of your event because if you don't it is like it has never happened. You can write your report on your blog registered in Fedora Planet and/or send it to the Ambassadors mailing list.

Where can I find previous presentations?

You can find previous presentations here. If you are looking for presentation templates you can find them in here.

Talking about events, what am I supposed to do and what should I avoid?

In a event you should remember that you represent the Fedora Project and you should spread our common values and ideas. Do not be rude to others distributions contributors and avoid a combative behavior. You are an ambassadors and should act as one. Keep in mind that we are all part of the same community.

Questions asked at event booths

Please see the following (Questions from other Ambassadors from working events)

I need something, whom do I ask?

I need manpower and volunteers for the event. How do I get them?

If you are organizing the event in a college or university, you can get help from campus ambassadors or other technical societies and student chapters. You can also involve some LUGs.

Where do I get a CD/DVD, banners, posters and stickers?

Use the tracking system to file a ticket. Please be as precise as you can while asking for swags/money justifying your requirements. Do not ask for more stuff than required.

I want to produce some custom swags

This is highly welcome. Swags must follow Fedora Project's trademark guidelines. Remember to keep all the receipts so you can be reimbursed. More information here.

Where can I get a customs letter for shipping purposes?

Regulations for many countries may limit, prohibit or apply a tax when importing or exporting software media. A standard letter may be required for the media to qualify under certain statutes. Please check with your local authorities for regulations that may affect you, and see the CustomsLetter page for our standard letter for certain customs agencies.

Are there any official clothes to wear during events?

Some Ambassadors in EMEA created the Fedora Ambassadors Polo Shirt . It's not the official uniform but it has visual identification characteristics for visitors.

Also, North America Ambassadors created a Button-Up Ambassadors Shirt that can be used at events. As with the polo, it is not an official uniform, but it does identify Fedora Ambassadors out of the crowd.

I have spent some monies on Fedora, how do I get reimbursed?

Firstly remember to keep the receipts of what you have spent so you can request reimbursement using the FAmSCo Track. More information here.

Generic queries

I am unfamiliar with the wiki and having a hard time

This information is about wikipedia, but is relevant to all wikis

To find your way around wikis click here For help on how to edit a wiki here* For wiki markup language click here

  • please note that only registered users can edit this wiki.

I am having problems with some fellow ambassadors, what do I do?

Please talk to your mentor or a FAmSCo member. We will take an action together considering the dispute resolution policy.

I have been around for some time, I am interested in taking my contribution to the next level

You can start contributing to another Fedora projects as localization, internationalization, design, packaging and etc. If you feel that your leadership inside Ambassadors is recognized you may consider run to the Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee.

I am leaving, what are the formalities?

I am leaving because of other members/lack of support

If you are leaving because of other members behavior please try to talk to your mentor and be aware of our dispute resolution policy. If you are leaving because of lack of support or other reason please let us know what is missing and what should be improved.

I've no time to participate in the Ambassadors Project at the moment. What do you suggest?

Just suspend yourself from the Project for a while by leaving a message at your personal wiki page to inform visitors that you are busy right now. If you know how long your "time out" will take, send a short note to FAmSCo ( so that someone knows what's going on.

I'm no longer active in the Ambassadors Project. Can I remove myself?

Of course you can. We understand if you have no more time to participate in the Ambassadors Project or if other parts of the Fedora Project have become more important to you. Before you quit, think about suspending yourself from the Ambassadors Project for a while by just leaving a message at your personal wiki page to inform visitors that you are inactive. Otherwise...

  • Remove yourself from the Ambassadors Group in the FAS
  • Remove your entry from the CountryList and your CategoryAmbassadors+Country entry at your personal wiki page.

Don't forget: You can join us again later.