🔗 Meeting Time
- 2011-02-06 04:00 UTC Click here to convert to local time
- #fedora-meeting on irc.freenode.net
- Meetings go for just over one hour, but sometimes go longer.
🔗 Participants
This week's APAC Ambassadors Meeting will be lead by Dramsey.
- asmartgoat
- azneita
- FranciscoD
- tuanta
- bckurera
- maktrix
- Harish Pillay
- as well as other great ambassadors!!! :)
With Special Guests;
- lcafiero
🔗 Meeting Protocol
- Please follow IRC Meeting Protocol and guidelines
- Try using the MeetBot commands and more MeetBot commands
🔗 Agenda
- Ambassador Pinging - Your name, Where your located, etc.
- For example ".fas asmartgoat my name is Luke, from Australia and I use Fedora 13 from a DVD."
- News from FAmSCo
- We will skip this topic if there is no news from FAmSCo or a FAmSCo representative - Please place news here.
- Report current Status of upcoming events - Fedora Events
- FOSSin_2010
- FAD SL 2011
- Other future APAC events.
- FAD brisbane + LCA
- APAC plans
- Media, Swag and other needs. - Ambassador Wear - Other?
- Classrooms for APAC
- Experienced/knowledgeable folks can take small classroom sessions to help other ambassadors. Discuss this?
- Red Hat Exams for Ambassadors
- How about developing our fellow Ambassadors not just APAC but all regions with Red Hat Exams/Training?!?!?!?! ==> dramsey
- Open Floor
- Brainstorming
- Any Ideas that you have in your mind?
🔗 Transcript
- Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-01-15/apac.2011-01-15-04.43.log.html
- Log (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-01-15/apac.2011-01-15-04.43.log.txt
🔗 Summary
- Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-01-15/apac.2011-01-15-04.43.html
- Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-01-15/apac.2011-01-15-04.43.txt
🔗 Next Meeting
- See APAC Meeting Minutes for the next meeting date and time.