From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Meeting Time

Time being determined by Doodle Vote at

  • 2011-07-20 10:00 UTC Click here to convert to local time
  • #fedora-meeting-1 on
  • Meetings go for just over one hour, but sometimes go longer.

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🔗 Participants

This week's APAC Ambassadors Meeting will be lead by Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera, bckurera and Truong Anh Tuan, tuanta.

🔗 Meeting Protocol

🔗 Agenda

The main intention of the today meeting is to discuss about the APAC FUDcon bids (China and India).

  • Ambassador Pinging - Your name, Where your located, etc.
    • For example ".fas dramsey My name is David, from Tokyo, Japan and I use Fedora 15 from a DVD."
  • News from FAmSCo
    • We will skip this topic if there is no news from FAmSCo or a FAmSCo representative
  • Fedora 15 Release Events!,
  • FADs in APAC
    • FADs!!! ==> dramsey has done a Tokyo one, how about you?
  • FUDcon APAC
  • Open Floor
    1. Brainstorming
    2. Any Ideas that you have in your mind?

🔗 Transcript


🔗 Summary


Minutes (text):

🔗 Next Meeting