From Fedora Project Wiki
π Denis Arnaud
I first installed RedHat (version 5, in 1998) with Oracle 8, when that latter was delivered on Linux for the first time... on a small Pentium-based computer with 600MB of disk and 64MB of RAM, hence proving to my hierarchy that Linux was ready for professional use. I started to be involved in the Fedora building process by translating documents and package descriptions, and have become a packager in 2009.
π Contact
- Location: Grasse, France (Paris Time, CET UTC+1 / CEST UTC+2)
- Email:
- GPG key: Denis Arnaud (Fedora Packager)
- Fedora Account: denisarnaud
- Fedora VOIP: Extension #5105604 / SIP Address:
- Fedora People Page:
- SourceForge: denis_arnaud
- Ohloh: denis_arnaud
- Twitter: denis_arnaud
- Skype: denis.arnaud100
- Google Talk: denis.arnaud
- Yahoo! Messaging: denis_arnaud
- AIM: darnaud100
- Blog:
π Activities within Fedora
- Boost 1.48 Feature for Fedora 17 (to be completed at the latest in February 2012)
- Boost 1.47 Feature for Fedora 16 (completed in September 2011)
- Boost 1.46 Feature for Fedora 15 (completed in early 2011)
- Boost 1.44 Feature for Fedora 14 (completed mid 2010)
- Boost 1.41 Feature for Fedora 13 (completed in early 2010)
- Boost-1.41 for EPEL 4/5 Review Request (completed mid 2011)
- Bringing and maintaining a few packages to Fedora:
- My own open source software:
- OpenTREP, OpenTravelData and OpenGeo++
- Airline Travel Market simulation components: RMOL (PkgDB / SF, Standard Airline IT C++ Library (PkgDB / SF), Airline Travel Market Simulation Manager C++ Library, Airline Schedule C++ Library (PkgDB, SF), Airline Inventory C++ Library (SF, PkgDB), Travel CCM C++ Library (SF, PkgDB), Travel Demand Generator C++ Library (SF, PkgDB), Simulation-Related Discrete Event Management C++ Library, Airline Revenue Accounting C++ Library (SF, PkgDB), Airline Availability Calculation C++ Library, Simulated Pricing System C++ Library (SF, PkgDB), Simulated Reservation System C++ Library, Simulated Low Fare Search System C++ Library.
- Extra CPPUnit and CruiseControl Tools
- Some others which have made their way into Fedora (e.g., WSDLPull, SOCI, R-msm, R-RM2)
- Some others not yet in Fedora (e.g., BLCR, Eucalyptus, Slurm)
- My own open source software:
- Translations (into French).
π A few quick links on Fedora packages (to ease my maintenance tasks)
- First of all, a link to the wonderful Fedora Community platform (not enough advertised!)
- Full list of packages waiting for a reviewer here.
- List of my packages available in Fedora.
- List of my packages that have passed review, are under review or await review.
- List of (open or closed) reviews for my packages.
- Reviews I have done: see full list or just packages under review or packages that have passed review.
π Material for Reviews
π Tracking of Package Requests
- New Review Requests, waiting for review (Cached for faster access)
- Review requests needing a sponsor
- Packages Currently Under Review (Cached for faster access)
- Packages Reviewed but not Closed
- General Cache for the Package Review Status
π Documentation
π Packaging
- Packaging
- Package testing
- Package updating
- Reviews
- Tools
- Package information pages (and database)
π Hacking on Fedora/RedHat/CentOS
π Virtualisation / Cloud Computing
π General
π Cloud SIG
π Cloud solutions submitted to Fedora
- Fedora 16 feature: Aeolus
- OpenStack
- Fedora 17 feature: OpenNebula
- CloudStack
- Fedora 15 feature: BoxGrinder
- CloudFS / Fedora 16 feature: HekaFS
- Fedora 16 feature: Sheepdog
π Amazon (EC2)
π Tools
- (third party) Review helper tool
- Fedora active user Python script (see also the corresponding Git repository)
π Brainstorming Section about Packaging
π Using Git Work-flow for Packaging
- Building Debian packages with a Git workflow using "git-buildpackage":
- Keeping patches as commits on a "patch-queue" branch:
- Another tool for managing Debian packages with Git, "git-dpm":
- Recent discussions on Git packaging workflows in Debian:
- TopGit, a patch-queue manager:
- Recent discussions in Fedora about that subject:
- Proposal to add version control key within the specification file