π Fedora Linux 39 Accepted System-Wide Changes
π Color Bash Prompt
Introduce a default colored prompt for Fedora's default shell bash.
π Owners
- Owner: Jens Petersen
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233267
- Release Notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Contingency deadline: Beta freeze
- Status: 100% code completed
π Migrate NetworkManager ifcfg profiles to keyfile
Migrate NetworkManager network connection profiles stored in ifcfg format to the keyfile format.
π Owners
- Owner: Beniamino Galvani, Fernando FernΓ‘ndez Mancera, Till Maas
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233268
- Release Notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Contingency deadline: Beta freeze
- Status: 100% code completed
π IBus 1.5.29
IBus 1.5.29 will work with Plasma Wayland more closely using the Wayland protocol.
π Owners
- Owner: Takao Fujiwara
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233270
- Release Notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Contingency deadline: Beta release
- Status: 100% code completed
π Use Noto fonts for Indic (Indian language) scripts
Google Noto fonts for Indic (Indian) languages replace the default Lohit fonts
π Owners
- Owner: Akira Tagoh
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-09-12
- Tracking bug: #2233271
- Release Notes tracker: #1003
- Contingency deadline: before final freeze
- Status: 100% code completed
π Improve Default Font Handling with default-fonts metapackages
This aims to make default fonts easier to update and install for all the variants on Fedora and reduce the maintenance costs for them.
π Owners
- Owner: Parag Nemade
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-09-06
- Tracking bug: #2233272
- Release Notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Contingency deadline: Beta freeze
- Status: 100% code completed
π Build Fedora Workstation live ISO with Image Builder
Image Builder is a set of modern tools for building operating system images. Its goal is to make the builds reliable and reproducible. Moreover, it's designed to give the end users a simple workflow to build their own custom images. The aim of this change is to create an additional, non-blocking Fedora Workstation live ISO using Image Builder.
π Owners
- Owner: JiΕΓ KoneΔnΓ½
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233273
- Release Notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Contingency deadline: Final freeze (the change is trivially revertable)
- Status: Change accepted
π Golang 1.21
Update of Go (golang package) to the upcoming version 1.21 in Fedora 39.
π Owners
- Owner: Alejandro SΓ‘ez MorollΓ³n
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233274
- Release Notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Contingency deadline: Beta freeze
- Status: 100% code completed
π GNU Toolchain Update (gcc 13.2, binutils 2.40, glibc 2.38, gdb 13.2)
Update core components
π Owners
- Owner: Carlos O'Donell
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233277
- Release Notes tracker: [1]
- Contingency deadline: Fedora mass rebuild on YYYY-MM-DD.
- Status: 100% code completed
π Allow Removal of tzdata
Allow the removal of tzdata especially on containers in order to minimize size.
π Owners
- Owner: Patsy Griffin (Franklin)
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233281
- Release Notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Contingency deadline: Can be backed out at the last minute since we are only dealing with conversions from Requires to Recommends.
- Status: Testable
π LLVM 17
Update all llvm sub-projects in Fedora Linux to version 17.
π Owners
- Owner: Tom Stellard
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233282
- Release Notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Contingency deadline: Beta Freeze
- Status: Change accepted
π Build JDKs once, repack everywhere
This is the last step in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MoveFedoraJDKsToBecomePortableJDKs effort. JDKs in fedora are already static, and we repack portable tarballs into RPMs. Currently, the portable tarball is built for each Fedora and EPEL version. Goal here is to build each JDK (8,11,17,21,latest (20)) only once, in oldest live Fedora repack in all live Fedoras. If jdk is buitl in epel, it will be built in oldest possible epel and repacked in newer live epels.
π Owners
- Owner: Jiri Vanek
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233283
- Release Notes tracker: <will be assigned by the Wrangler> <will be assigned by the Wrangler>
- Contingency deadline: N/A
- Status: Change accepted
π Retire AWS CLI version 1 package awscli
As a result of the publication of the awscli2 package, the original version of 'awscli' is no longer necessary. This would mark the retirement of the original AWS CLI package version in favor of the awscli version 2. The AWS CLI version 2 is the most recent major version of the AWS CLI and supports all of the latest features. Some features introduced in version 2 are not backported to version 1 and users must upgrade to access those features.
π Owners
- Owner: David Duncan Gwyn Ciesla
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-06-22
- Tracking bug: #2216761
- Release Notes tracker: #993
- Contingency deadline: 2023-06-13
- Status: 100% code completed
π No fedora-repos-modular in default installation
No longer include fedora-repos-modular in default installations.
π Owners
- Owner: Jens Petersen
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-04
- Tracking bug: #2216762
- Release Notes tracker: #994
- Contingency deadline: Beta freeze
- Status: 100% code completed
π LIBFFI 34 static trampolines
Libffi is currently configured to use dynamic trampolines, which require some source of memory which is both writable and executable. This is an obvious security issue, and selinux and system defaults have made it more and more difficult to safely provide this memory to libffi clients. With this change, libffi will be configured to use static trampolines, which do not require such memory, and will not pose those security and administrative risks.
π Owners
- Owner: DJ Delorie
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-06-26
- Tracking bug: #2216763
- Release Notes tracker: #995
- Contingency deadline:
- Status: 100% code completed
π Flatpaks without Modules
Change how we build Flatpaks in Fedora to remove the dependency on modularity. Instead of using modules to rebuild Fedora packages with prefix=/app, there will be a separate build target that is used for that.
π Owners
- Owner: Owen Taylor
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-06-22
- Tracking bug: #2216764
- Release Notes tracker: #996
- Contingency deadline: By 2023-08-01 we should have runtimes built and a number of applications or we'll plan on using modules for F39 Flatpaks.
- Status: Testable
π Perl 5.38
A new perl 5.38 version brings a lot of changes done over a year of development. Perl 5.38 was released on July 3rd 2023. See perldelta for 5.38.0 for more details about new release.
π Owners
- Owner: Jitka PlesnΓkovΓ‘, Michal Josef Ε paΔek
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-29
- Tracking bug: #2203264
- Release Notes tracker: #987
- Contingency deadline: branching Fedora 39 from Rawhide.
- Status: 100% code completed
π Increase vm.max_map_count value
This change aims at increasing the default value of the vm.max_map_count sysctl
π Owners
- Owner: Alessandro Astone
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-06-22
- Tracking bug: #2216765
- Release Notes tracker: #997
- Contingency deadline: Final Freeze
- Status: 100% code completed
π Make Toolbx a release-blocking deliverable and have release-blocking test criteria
Up to date fedora-toolbox OCI images must be published on registry.fedoraproject.org as release-blocking deliverables, and there must be release-blocking test criteria to ensure usable toolbox RPMs.
π Owners
- Owner: Debarshi Ray, Sumantro Mukherjee
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-06-22
- Tracking bug: #2216766
- Release Notes tracker: #998
- Contingency deadline: We need this by the Change completion deadline or before Fedora 39 is branched from Rawhide, whichever is earlier. As per the schedule, both of those are currently set to happen on the 8th of August 2023.
- Status: Testable
π RPM 4.19
Update RPM to the 4.19 release.
π Owners
- Owner: Florian Festi
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-07-10
- Tracking bug: #2187480
- Release Notes tracker: #979
- Contingency deadline: Beta freeze
- Status: 100% code completed
π Changes of defaults in createrepo_c-1.0.0
Update createrepo_c to 1.0.0, new release will include change of default compression to zstd, no longer generating metadata in sqlite database format by default and simplified comps xml type in repodata.
π Owners
- Owner: AleΕ‘ MatΔj
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-04-10
- Tracking bug: #2185617
- Release Notes tracker: #977
- Contingency deadline: 2023-08-01
- Status: 100% code completed
π MinGW toolchain update
Update the MinGW toolchain to the latest upstream stable releases.
π Owners
- Owner: Sandro Mani
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2176849
- Release Notes tracker: #970
- Contingency deadline: Before release
- Status: 100% code completed
π Modernize Thread Building Blocks for Fedora 39
Fedora is currently shipping version 2020.3 (released July 10, 2020) of the Thread Building Blocks library. The current upstream version is 2021.8 (released December 22, 2022). The Fedora community has expressed interest in moving the TBB package to track a more modern version of the upstream.
π Owners
- Owner: Thomas Rodgers
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-03-06
- Tracking bug: #2175941
- Release Notes tracker: #969
- Contingency deadline:
- Status: Change accepted
π Remove pam_console
Remove pam_console as it is not enabled by default, can be replaced by systemd and has security issues.
π Owners
- Owner: Iker Pedrosa
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-02-02
- Tracking bug: #2166692
- Release Notes tracker: #965
- Contingency deadline: Beta freeze.
- Status: 100% code completed
π Boost 1.81 upgrade
This change brings Boost 1.81 to Fedora. This will mean Fedora ships with a recent upstream Boost release.
π Owners
- Owner: Thomas Rodgers
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-01-04
- Tracking bug: #2158241
- Release Notes tracker: #946
- Contingency deadline:
- Status: 100% code completed
π Python 3.12
Update the Python stack in Fedora from Python 3.11 to Python 3.12, the newest major release of the Python programming language.
π Owners
- Owner: LumΓr Balhar
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-07-05
- Tracking bug: #2135404
- Release Notes tracker: #903
- Contingency deadline: TBD
- Status: Testable
π SPDX License Phase 2
Second phase of transition from using Fedora's short names for licenses to SPDX identifiers in the License: field of Fedora package spec files. This phase addresses how to update the License: field for existing packages, including documenting more specific guidance on how to find licenses in a package.
π Owners
- Owner: Miroslav SuchΓ½, Jilayne Lovejoy, Neal Gompa, David Cantrell, Richard Fontana, Matthew Miller
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-04-03
- Tracking bug: #2184184
- Release Notes tracker: #974
- Contingency deadline: Beta freeze. But it is expected that not all packages will be converted by that time and the change will continue in the next release.
- Status: Testable
π Changes/LegacyXorgDriverRemoval
This change removes the xorg-x11-drv-vesa and xorg-x11-drv-fbdev driver packages, and associated support code from the xorg-x11-server-Xorg package.
π Owners
- Owner: Adam Jackson
π Tracking
- Last updated: 2023-02-22
- Tracking bug: #2078921
- Release Notes tracker: #822
- Contingency deadline: Beta freeze seems fine.
- Status: Change accepted
π Fedora Linux 39 Accepted Self-Contained Changes
π Haskell GHC 9.4 and Stackage LTS 21
Update the GHC Haskell compiler from major version 9.2 to 9.4, and Haskell packages will be updated from Stackage LTS 20 to LTS 21 versions.
- Owner: Jens Petersen
- Last updated: 2023-09-12
- Tracking bug: #2233229
- Status: 100% code completed
π LibreOffice 7.6
Update LibreOffice suite to 7.6.
- Owner: Gwyn Ciesla
- Last updated: 2023-09-12
- Tracking bug: #2233232
- Status: Finished
π Enable fwupd-refresh.timer by default on IoT, CoreOS & Server editions
fwupd-refresh systemd service unit & timer are designed to regularly refresh the fwupd metadata and update the MOTD when new firmware updates can be applied on a system. We want to enable the fwupd-refresh.timer by default on IoT, CoreOS & Server editions so that users get reminded about firmware updates.
- Owner: TimothΓ©e Ravier, Renata Ravanelli
- Last updated: 2023-09-12
- Tracking bug: #2233233
- Status: In progress
π Clean Systemd-boot installs
Fedora default installs with a shim + grub bootloader on EFI platforms, yet has been shipping systemd-boot in various forms for a number of releases. There are a few howto's which describe how to replace grub with systemd-boot with varying levels of functionality. This should be easier with a formalized default method that can be built upon. This proposal aims to complete the work started with anaconda (inst.sdboot), kickstart (bootloader --sdboot) such that the "everything" media can install a grub free machine.
- Owner: Possibly others since it may touch -comps, systemd-boot, etc
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233234
- Status: Testable
π No custom Qt theming for Fedora Workstation
Fedora Workstation has been using QGnomePlatform and Adwaita-qt projects to apply GNOME-like configuration and styling to Qt applications to match the environment. These projects are now in a state where they are outdated and semi-occasionally broken for some applications and it would be better to default to what Qt upstream has to offer.
- Owner: Jan Grulich
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233235
- Status: 100% code completed
π Retire Modularity
Fedora will discontinue building modules for Fedora Linux 39 and further in the Fedora infrastructure and shipping modular content to users. The fedora-repos-modular and fedora-repos-rawhide-modular packages will be retired and obsoleted. The modular repositories will no longer be composed. Once Fedora Linux 38 reaches the end of life, Fedora's Module Build Service will be terminated. Whether or not dnf(5) would still support modularity from 3rd party repository is out of the scope of this proposal.
- Owner: Petr PΓsaΕ
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2226798
- Status: 100% code completed
π Sericea and Sway Spin Xorg-less
At the moment Sericea and Sway Spin ship with xorg-x11 packages. This proposal aims to remove xorg-x11 packages from such artifacts.
- Owner: Aleksei Bavshin, Fabio Alessandro Locati, Sway SIG
Primary contact person: Fabio Alessandro Locati
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233238
- Status: 100% code completed
π ibus-anthy 1.5.15
In ibus-anthy 1.5.15, the icon tag will be added to the metainfo, the Japanese era is updated for 2023, the candidate window is enhanced for OSK(On-Screen Keyboard).
- Owner: Takao Fujiwara
- Last updated: 2023-09-07
- Tracking bug: #2233243
- Status: 100% code completed
π Aspell Deprecation
Deprecating aspell package because there are better-supported spell checkers like hunspell/enchant2 which could be used instead. It also has an upstream with almost 4 years of no action.
- Owner: Lukas Javorsky
- Last updated: 2023-06-22
- Tracking bug: #2210277
- Status: 100% code completed
π Further reduce Fedora-specific build flags in non-RPM Python extensions
Continuing the work started with https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_Extension_Flags, this change is about further reducing the build and linker flags (CFLAGS and LDFLAGS) saved internally in the Python interpreter for use by distutils and other build systems. Compiling non-RPM Python extension modules will carry only the compiler flags required for binary compatibility with the interpreter they were built against and not Fedora specific ones.
- Owner: Charalampos Stratakis
- Last updated: 2023-08-07
- Tracking bug: #2229725
- Status: 100% code completed
π Automatic Cloud Reboot On Updates
Cloud users can provide cloud-init metadata when creating a Fedora cloud instance and that metadata can contain instructions to update all packages on the system and reboot the system if any of those updated packages need a reboot to go into effect. Fedora cloud instances should write the /var/run/reboot-required file if a reboot is needed after a dnf update so that cloud-init can reboot the instance.
- Owner: Major Hayden
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233245
- Status: 100% code completed
π Passkey authentication for centrally managed users
For centrally managed users on Fedora systems enrolled into Active Directory, FreeIPA, or LDAP, enable capability to log-in to desktop or a console terminal with a FIDO2-compatible device supported by the libfido2 library. For FreeIPA, additionally, once user has been authenticated with the FIDO2-compatible device, allow to issue a Kerberos ticket.
- Owner: Iker Pedrosa, Alexander Bokovoy
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233246
- Status: 100% code completed
π Vagrant 2.3
Update the Vagrant package to the latest version 2.3.4 and the dependencies rubygem-net-ssh, rubygem-net-scp and rubygem-net-sftp to their latest versions.
- Owner: Jarek Prokop , Pavel Valena
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233247
- Status: 100% code completed
π Fedora Onyx
Creation of an official Fedora immutable variant with a Budgie Desktop environment, complementing Fedora Budgie Spin and expanding the immutable offerings of Fedora.
- Owner: Joshua Strobl
- Last updated: 2023-05-25
- Tracking bug: #2210021
- Status: 100% code completed
π Man-pages-ru Retirement
Retiring man-pages-ru because it is already part of the man-pages-l10n.
- Owner: Lukas Javorsky
- Last updated: 2023-05-24
- Tracking bug: #2163421
- Status: 100% code completed
π BiggerESP
The Fedora installer includes an EFI System Partition of between 200MB and 600MB by default, of which the lower size is much too small for firmware updates on modern hardware and also for future bootloader features like UKI. This change will increase the minimum size of the ESP to be 500MB, which is also the same value used by Microsoft for Windows 10 and newer.
- Owner: Richard Hughes
- Last updated: 2023-05-18
- Tracking bug: #2208181
- Status: 100% code completed
π Lazarus repackaging
Split the lazarus package (the Lazarus IDE for Free Pascal) into several sub-packages (built from the same spec file) and enable building the Lazarus Component Library for multiple widget sets, instead of just the default GTK2.
- Owner: Artur Frenszek-Iwicki
- Last updated: 2023-05-11
- Tracking bug: #2203269
- Status: 100% code completed
π Fedora Images on Azure
Azure is a massive public cloud and offering an official Fedora Cloud image there would expand Fedora's user base. It also gives Fedora Cloud users more options when selecting public clouds.
- Owner: Major Hayden, David Duncan
- Last updated: 2023-05-11
- Tracking bug: #2203192
- Status: Change accepted
π Remove standard storage option from Fedora EC2 images
AWS offers multiple types of block storage depending on the needs of the individual user. Fedora images are uploaded with standard and gp2 currently (gp3 will replace gp2 very soon with another approved change).
- Owner: Major Hayden
- Last updated: 2023-05-03
- Tracking bug: #2192929
- Status: 100% code completed
π Enable auto-updates by default in Fedora Kinoite
On Fedora Kinoite, Plasma Discover supports automatically updating the system in a safe fashion via rpm-ostree staged updates. We want users to benefit from bug fixes and updates in general by default thus we want to enable auto-updates by default. Users will still have the option of disabling that or tuning the frequency at which updates happen.
- Owner: TimothΓ©e Ravier, Neal Gompa
- Last updated: 2023-08-21
- Tracking bug: #2233192
- Status: 100% code completed
π Register EC2 Cloud Images with uefi-preferred AMI flag
A new feature of EC2 is to be able to register AMIs with a boot mode of uefi-preferred rather than picking one of bios or uefi. In EC2, aarch64 has always been UEFI, while x86-64 started out as BIOS only and some instance types have recently begun to support booting in UEFI mode. Previously, an AMI had to pick if it was UEFI or BIOS. With uefi-preferred it allows an AMI to launch with whatever firmware stack is available for the instance type, preferring UEFI when UEFI is an option.
- Owner: Stewart Smith, David Duncan
- Last updated: 2023-05-05
- Tracking bug: #2185883
- Status: Change accepted
π FontAwesome6
Update the FontAwesome package in Fedora to version 6.x, with a compatibility package for packages still needing 4.x.
- Owner: Jerry James
- Last updated: 2023-03-24
- Tracking bug: #2181567
- Status: 100% code completed
π EC2 AMIs default to the gp3 EBS volume type
In Amazon EC2, Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes can be one of several types. These can be specified at volume creation time, including for the default volumes that are created on instance launch. An AMI will have default volumes and volume types configured. Fedora currently defaults to the gp2 volume type. This proposal is to switch to gp3 as the default volume type for Fedora. The gp3 volume type is both more flexible than gp2, and can be up to 20% cheaper per GB.
- Owner: Stewart Smith David Duncan
- Last updated: 2023-08-22
- Tracking bug: #2185248
- Status: 100% code completed
π Register EC2 Cloud Images with IMDSv2-only AMI flag
In November 2019, AWS launched IMDSv2 (Instance Meta-Data Store version 2 - see https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/defense-in-depth-open-firewalls-reverse-proxies-ssrf-vulnerabilities-ec2-instance-metadata-service/ ) which provides "belt and suspenders" protections for four types of vulnerabilities that could be used to try to access the Instance Meta-Data Store available to EC2 instances. In that announcement, AWS recommended adopting IMDSv2 and restricting access to IMDSv2 only for added security. This can be done at instance launch time, or (more recently in October 2022) by providing a flag when registering an AMI to indicate that the AMI should by default launch with IMDSv1 disabled, and thus require IMDSv2.
- Owner: Stewart Smith David Duncan
- Last updated: 2023-08-22
- Tracking bug: #2185249
- Status: Change accepted
π Mass Retire Golang Leaves
As of Jan 2023, 275/1660 (17%) library only Go source packages are leaves. Overall, these packages are maintained by 35 different maintainers along with the Go SIG. These leaves(by maintainer) will be mass retired in Fedora 39.
- Owner: Maxwell G; Alejandro SΓ‘ez MorollΓ³n; the Go SIG
- Last updated: 2023-05-11
- Tracking bug: #2170956
- Status: 100% code completed
π LXQt image for aarch64
Generate LXQt image (both iso and disk image) for aarch64 architecture.
- Owner: Zamir SUN
- Last updated: 2023-04-10
- Tracking bug: #2139111
- Status: 100% code completed
π Build Fedora Silverblue & Kinoite using rpm-ostree unified core mode
rpm-ostree upstream development is focusing on the "unified core" mode and the previous mode is being deprecated. Fedora Silverblue and Fedora Kinoite are currently building using the old mode and we've wanted to move over for a while. The main advantage of the unified core mode is that it is stricter and safer, while enabling some post processing steps to happen during or after the image build.
- Owner: TimothΓ©e Ravier, TomΓ‘Ε‘ Popela, Colin Walters
- Last updated: 2023-09-14
- Tracking bug: #2150984
- Status: 100% code completed
π Modular GNOME Keyring services
The monolithic daemon provided by GNOME Keyring will be split into dedicated sub-daemons, so that they can be consistently managed by systemd.
- Owner: Daiki Ueno, Benjamin Berg
- Last updated: 2023-02-13
- Tracking bug: #1899998
- Status: Change accepted