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This page is intended to record QA:Fedora_15_Install_Test_Plan test results for the Fedora 15 Final RC3 milestone.

πŸ”— Instructions

This page tracks test results against the Fedora 15 Final RC3 build. Test results against other Fedora 15 milestones can be found at Category:Fedora_15_Test_Results. The explanation of test case priority is available at QA:Fedora_15_Install_Test_Plan#Test_Priority.

πŸ”— What To Test

xz compression change in Fedora 15
If you want to use F15 deltaisos on a system running F14 or below, see this on how to temporarily modify the installed packages, or this on how to build executables (both instructions and prebuilt ones) to use in place of those in the native deltaiso package (which will not work on F14 or below).

πŸ”— Who's available

The following cast of characters will be available testing, workarounds, bug fixes, general discussion ...

πŸ”— Add or Remove a Test Case

  1. Please request review for your changes by publishing your test case for review to test list.
  2. Once reviewed, make your changes to this document
  3. Finally, update QA:Fedora_15_Install_Results_Template with the same changes.

πŸ”— Key

See the table below for a sample format for test results. All test results are posted using the format specified Template:Result.

Test Results Format
Test Result Explanation Code Entered
Untested - This test has not been run, and is available for anyone to contribute feedback. {{result|none}}
Pass pass robatino
Passed - The test has been run and the tester determine the test met the expected results {{result|pass|robatino}}
Inprogress inprogress adamwill
Inprogress - An inprogress result is often used for tests that take a long time to execute. Inprogress results should be temporary and change to pass, fail or warn. {{result|inprogress|adamwill}}
Fail fail jlaska [1] [2]
Failed - Indicates a failed test. A link to a bug must be provided. See Template:Result for details on providing bug information.
  1. ↑ RHBZ #XYZ
  2. ↑ RHBZ #ZXY
Warning warn rhe
Warning - This test completed and met the expected results of the test, but other issues were encountered during testing that warrant attention.
  1. ↑ Brief description about the warning status
{{result|warn|rhe}} <ref>Brief description about the warning status</ref>
Pass pass hongqing
Warning warn kparal
Multiple results - More people can easily provide results to a single test case. {{result|pass|hongqing}} {{result|warn|kparal}}
Pass pass previous <build> run
Result from previous test run - This test result is directly moved from the test run of previous <build>. {{result|pass|previous <build> run}}
Unsupported - An unsupported test or configuration. No testing is required.

πŸ”— Test Matrix

Please click [show] in each table to view the tests of each media installation, and click [edit] to post your test results using the syntax in Key Section.

πŸ”— Boot Iso

πŸ”— DVD

πŸ”— Live Image

πŸ”— PXE Images

πŸ”— General Tests

πŸ”— References

  1. ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 RHBZ #679709
  2. ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 RHBZ #585006
  3. ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 live images are larger than ISO header indicates
  4. ↑ install.log for i386 default install:
  5. ↑ install.log for x86_64 default install:
  6. ↑ install.log for i386 minimal install:
  7. ↑ install.log for x86_64 minimal install:
  8. ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 should display name of file written instead of just the directory it's written into
  9. ↑ details: User:Athmane/Fedora_Testing#PreUpgrade_from_F13_to_F15